MicroStrategy ONE

Microcharts Dialog Box: Mode Tab

A Microcharts widget is made up of several small types of graphs or charts: bar, sparkline, and bullet microcharts. You can format some aspects of the entire Microcharts widget, and you can also format some aspects of each type of microchart differently.

You can specify options for the entire Microcharts widget, such as the operation mode, using the Mode tab of the Microcharts Dialog Box.

To access the Microcharts dialog box: Mode tab

  1. In Presentation Mode, right-click the Microcharts widget and select Properties. The Microcharts dialog box opens.
  2. From the drop-down list, select Mode. The Mode tab is displayed.

Mode Options

Operation mode: Choose the display method from one of the following:

  • Grid: This is the default operation mode for a Microcharts widget. In this mode, all the rows of microcharts are displayed at the same time in a grid layout.
  • Vertical Scroll: In this mode, users can view each row of microcharts as they automatically scroll from the top to the bottom. Users can also manually navigate from one row to the next using Previous and Next buttons on the right side of the widget.
  • Ticker: In this mode, microcharts and supplemental text are displayed in a scrolling ticker that moves from right to left. You can add text next to each microchart to provide background information or highlight a trend displayed in the microchart. This text is displayed alongside the microcharts as they scroll horizontally. This mode is not available if the widget is set up to display in KPI List mode.

Metrics per KPI: Type the number of metrics used to calculate each row of microcharts in KPI List mode. Available if the widget is designed to display in KPI List mode.

Hide column headers: Determine whether to show or hide the column headings.

Hide text columns: Determine whether to show or hide the text columns.

Lock layout: Determine whether to lock the Microcharts layout. When the layout is locked, users cannot move or sort columns in the widget.

Enable smooth scroll mode for metrics (mobile only): Determine whether to enable smooth scroll mode in mobile devices, or to divide the available space equally among all columns. Smooth scroll mode calculates the optimum space for each column in the Microcharts widget. Applies to iOS and Android devices.

When a Microcharts widget is displayed in full screen mode, smooth scroll mode is automatically applied.

Metric column spacing: Select the column spacing for display in MicroStrategy Web. The options are:

  • Compact: The maximum width for attribute columns is 80; for sparklines, bar, and bullet columns 100; for metric columns 100.
  • Normal: The maximum width for attribute columns is 100; for sparklines, bar, and bullet columns 150; for metric columns 150.
  • Large: The maximum width for attribute columns is 120; for sparklines, bar, and bullet columns 200; for metric columns 200.

Tree display: Determine whether widget rows are shown in a tree display. With a tree, rows are displayed in groups that can be collapsed and expanded. Available if the operation mode is set to Grid, but the widget is not designed to display in KPI List mode.

Aggregation function: Select the aggregation function for the tree display. This function determines how the totals for the groups within the tree display are calculated. For example, if a group consists of several regions, the user can view the average of metric values taken across all the regions in the group. Available if tree display is enabled.

Vertical Scroll options

These options are available only if the operation mode is Vertical Scroll. (Select Vertical Scroll from the Operation mode drop-down list on the Mode tab.

Previous/Next buttons: Determine whether to show or hide the Previous and Next buttons in Vertical Scroll mode.

Motion: Select a scroll speed to be used in Vertical Scroll mode. The options are Slow, Normal, and Fast.

Ticker Options

These options are available only if the operation mode is Ticker. (Select Ticker from the Operation mode drop-down list on the Mode tab.

Title: Type a descriptive title for the widget, to be used in Ticker mode.

Previous/Next buttons: Determine whether to show or hide the Previous and Next buttons in Ticker mode.

Enable detail view: Determine whether to display the detail view when a ticker is clicked in Ticker mode.

Motion: Select a scroll speed to be used in Ticker mode. The options are Slow, Normal, and Fast.

Ticker 1(M3 < M7): Type a value to be displayed when the ticker is below its target value.

Ticker 2(M3 >= M7): Type a value to be displayed when the ticker is above its target value.

Ticker 1: Select the color for Ticker 1.

Ticker 2: Select the color for Ticker 2.

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Microcharts Dialog Box

Microcharts Dialog Box: Bar Tab

Microcharts Dialog Box: Bullet Tab

Microcharts Dialog Box: Sparkline Tab