MicroStrategy ONE

Interactive Stacked Graph Dialog Box

You can specify display options for an Interactive Stacked Graph widget, such as the colors of the series and series line, using the Interactive Stacked Graph dialog box.

To access the Interactive Stacked Graph dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Interactive Stacked Graph widget and select Properties.

Choose the following options:

  • Aggregate area series color: Select the color of the area graph's series.
  • Series line color: Select a color for the line that appears between different series when more than one attribute is selected from the checklist on the left.
  • Selectable area: Determine whether the legend or the graph is selectable.
  • Change selection on mouse over: Determine whether a user can change what is displayed in the selectable area when they hover the cursor over the area that they want to see. Available if graph is chosen as the selectable area.
  • Inherit graph formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying graph report. This checkbox is selected by default.

    The following formatting options can be inherited from the widget's underlying graph report:

    • Number formatting
    • Font type, size, and color
    • The maximum and minimum values that can be displayed in the graph
    • The interval between tick marks on the graph axes