MicroStrategy ONE

Cylinder Dialog Box

You can specify display options for a Cylinder widget, such as the type of cylinder to display, using the Cylinder dialog box.

  • Cylinder Type: Select a shading scheme for the cylinder.
  • Min Value: Type the minimum value for the cylinder. This value appears at the bottom of the cylinder.
  • Max Value: Type the maximum value for the cylinder. This value appears at the top of the cylinder.
  • Inherit graph-grid formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying graph report. This checkbox is selected by default.

    The following formatting options can be inherited from the widget's underlying graph report:

    • Font type, size, and color
    • Legend formatting, including legend position, legend background and border color, and font used to display items in the legend
    • Background and border color of the widget

To access the Cylinder dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Cylinder widget and select Properties.