MicroStrategy ONE

Waterfall Dialog Box

You can specify display options for a Waterfall widget, such as whether to apply colors to the increments and decrements bars, using the Waterfall dialog box.

The Waterfall dialog box contains the following tabs:

Inherit graph formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying graph report. Selected by default.

The following formatting options can be inherited from the widget's underlying graph report:

  • Number formatting
  • Font type and color
  • Background and border color of the widget
  • Legend formatting, including background color, border color, and font used to display items in the legend
  • Whether the y-axis always includes a value of zero

Color Tab Options

  • Apply Increment/Decrement Color: Determine whether to apply colors for the increments and decrements bars. Selected by default.

    If increment and decrement colors are used, the following options are available:

    • Increments Base Color: Select a color for the increments bars. Default is green.
    • Decrements Base Color: Select a color for the decrements bars. Default is red.

    The first increment/decrement series uses the base color, and subsequent series are colored in a shade of the base color. If the base color is dark, additional series use lighter shades; if the base color is light, additional series use darker shades.

  • Border color: Select a color for the widget borders. Default is gray.
  • Apply Shadow Effect on Bars: Determine whether apply a shadow effect on the increments and decrements bars. Selected by default.

Data Tab Options

  • Increments/Decrements Provided: Determine whether increments and decrements are calculated by the widget or based on the metrics. Selected by default.
    • If the data contains the amounts of increase or decrease per period, select the Increments/Decrements Provided checkbox to display the increment or decrement data. To use this setting, the widget should contain metrics on the rows and attributes on the columns, which allows you to place the metrics along the X-axis in a specified order. This displays the increment and decrement bars in the order specified.
    • To have the widget calculate the increments or decrements, clear the Increments/Decrements Provided checkbox. To use this setting, the widget should contain metrics in the columns and attributes in the rows. The metrics should depict the total value of each unit of time.
  • Final Bar Provided: Determine whether the final bar (located on the far right of the widget) is calculated by the widget or provided by the Grid/Graph data. Cleared by default.
    • If the data contains the information for the final bar, select the Final Bar Provided checkbox.
    • If you want the widget to calculate the final bar, clear the Final Bar Provided checkbox. You can also define a name for the final bar (see below).
  • Text for Last Entry: Type a label or name for the final bar. The name is used as a label for the bar on the far right of the widget. By default, it is named Final. Available only if the final bar is calculated by the widget.
  • Add Connecting Lines: Determine whether lines connecting adjacent bars of the same series are displayed. Available only if the widget contains a single series. Cleared by default.
  • Show Additional Series in Tooltip: Determine whether to show additional series in tooltips. Available only if the Grid/Graph contains attributes and metrics on different axes. Cleared by default.
  • Stagger But Do Not Drop X-Axis Labels: Determine whether to display X-axis labels on a single line or on staggered lines. Staggering labels allows all labels to be visible if they do not all fit below the widget when in a single line. Cleared by default.
    • To stagger X-axis labels if all the labels do not fit below the widget, select the Stagger But Do Not Drop X-Axis Labels checkbox. All labels are displayed; none are removed from the widget.
    • To display the labels on a single line, clear the Stagger But Do Not Drop X-Axis Labels checkbox. Labels that do not fit are not displayed.

What-if Tab Options

  • Number of Target Lines: Determine whether horizontal target lines are displayed in the widget, and the number of target lines to display.
    • To hide the target lines, select 0. (Default)
    • To display horizontal target lines, select the number of lines, up to 10. A user can move the target lines up and down in the widget.
  • Enable What-if Analysis: Determine whether "what-if" analysis is enabled. "What-if" analysis allows users to modify the size of bars using bar handlers. Increasing or decreasing the size of a bar affects the values in the widget. A user can also review the history of their changes to the bar size, and reset the bars to their original values. If "what-if" analysis is enabled, also enable bar handlers so users can modify the size of bars to perform a what-if analysis. Selected by default.
  • Show Bar Handlers: Determine whether bar handlers are displayed. Bar handlers enable users to perform "what-if" analysis with the widget. If bar handlers are hidden, a user can display them by pointing to a bar. Available if "what-if" analysis is enabled. Selected by default.

To access the Waterfall dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Waterfall widget and select Properties.