MicroStrategy ONE

Microcharts Dialog Box

You can specify display options for a Microcharts widget, such as whether to display metrics for hidden graphs, using the Microcharts dialog box. You can also create a Microcharts widget for mobile devices; for steps, see the MicroStrategy Mobile Administration Help.

A Microcharts widget is made up of several small types of graphs or charts: the bar, sparkline, and bullet microcharts. You can format some aspects of the entire Microcharts widget, and you can also format some aspects of each type of microchart differently.

To access the Microcharts dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Microcharts widget and select Properties.

The following options apply to the entire Microcharts widget:

  • Display metrics for hidden graphs: Determine whether to show or hide metrics for hidden graphs. Selected by default.
  • Inherit grid formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying grid report. Cleared by default.
    • The following formatting options can be inherited from the widget's underlying grid report:
    • Number and date formatting
    • Font type, alignment, and color
    • Background and border color of row axis heading
    • The color used to highlight items selected in the widget
  • Choose theme (mobile only): Select a color theme to use to display the widget on a mobile device, as follows:
    • To display the widget using a light-colored theme, select Light (default).
    • To display the widget using a dark-colored theme, select Dark.
    • To display the widget using custom color options that you define, select Custom. The colors that you select for the sparkline, bar, and bullet microcharts will be used to display the widget on a mobile device and in MicroStrategy Web.

You can select different categories from the drop-down list in the upper left. If you select Opacity or Mode, the formatting options displayed apply to the entire widget. Selecting any other option allows you to choose whether to format the sparkline, bar, or bullet microcharts of the widget.

The Microcharts Properties dialog box contains the following tabs:

  • Sparkline tab, to format the sparkline microcharts
  • Bar tab, to format the bar microcharts
  • Bullet tab, to format the bullet microcharts
  • Opacity tab, to format the whole widget. This tab contains the following option:

    Background opacity: Select the level of opacity for the widget. The higher the percentage, the less transparent the background is. Available if you select Custom from the Choose theme drop-down list at the bottom of the interface.

  • Mode tab, to define settings that apply to the whole widget, such as whether to display column headings and text columns. You can also select which operation mode to use (Grid, Vertical Scroll, or Ticker), and define properties for the selected operation mode.