MicroStrategy ONE

Graph Matrix Dialog Box

This dialog box is used to format the Graph Matrix (deprecated) widget.

You can specify display options for a Graph Matrix (deprecated) widget, such as whether to display references lines, using the Graph Matrix dialog box.

To access the Graph Matrix dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Graph Matrix (deprecated) widget and select Properties.

The following options are available:

  • Uniform axis: Determine whether every area graph uses the same scale and number interval on their Y-axes. Selecting this checkbox makes all the grids and graphs appear to have the same empty axis values. If a user scrolls over the X-axis, they can see that the values are unique for each object on the widget. Cleared by default.
  • Reference Line: Determine whether to add or remove horizontal reference lines for every area graph. The red line provides the average for all graphs in the same row; the black line provides the average for each graph. Selected by default.
  • Axis Labels: Determine whether to show or hide the axis labels on the area graphs. Cleared by default.
  • Background Opacity: Adjust how transparent or opaque the background of the widget is. The higher the percentage, the less transparent the background is. Default is 100% (completely opaque).
  • View Graph Legend in Zoom View: Determine whether to show or hide a legend for the area graphs. The legend is displayed when a user clicks one of the area graphs to maximize the graph. Selected by default.
  • All Series as Line Graphs: Determine whether to display all series as line graphs or to display the values of the first metric as area graphs. The area graph shows the current values, allowing you to see how values changed over time. The area graph represents the values of the first metric on the Grid/Graph that contains the widget. Cleared by default.
  • Inherit grid/graph formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying graph report. Selected by default.

    The following formatting options can be inherited from the widget's underlying graph report:

    • Font type, size, and color
    • Number and date formatting
    • The font used to display values on the axes
    • The minimum and maximum values displayed in the widget
    • The interval between tick marks on the axes of the graphs