MicroStrategy ONE

Data Cloud Dialog

You can specify display options for a Data Cloud widget, such as the equation that determines the attribute element size and the background color, using the Data Cloud dialog.


To access the Data Cloud dialog, right-click the Data Cloud widget and select Properties while in Presentation Mode.


Sort Alphabetically: Determine whether the attribute elements in the widget are sorted alphabetically. Cleared by default.

Alignment: Select how to align the data cloud within the widget's borders. The options are:

  • Align Left (default)
  • Align Right
  • Justify

Equation: Define the equation used to determine the size of attribute elements. The options are:

  • Square Root: Select this option to display your data in abrupt increments. Selecting this option is beneficial if you have large value differences between each set of data in the widget. Selected by default.
  • Logarithm: Select this option to display your data in gradual, smoother increments. Selecting this option is beneficial if you are using percentage data that drops below 0%.
  • Linear: Select this option to display your data as a weighted average. For example, if you want to display the average sales data for each month of the year, or the average profit for Q1 2007, this option is beneficial.

Minimum Font Size (1-15): Select or type the font size (1-15) to use for the smallest attribute element in the widget. The font size of the smallest attribute element is changed; all other attribute elements are sized proportionally. Default size is seven.

Font Color 1 and Font Color 2: Select the colors in which the attribute elements are displayed. Attribute elements in the widget alternate between these font colors. Default Font Color 1 is blue; default Font Color 2 is orange.

Background Color: Select the default background color to display in the widget. Default is white.

Border Color: Select the color of the widget's borders. Default is gray.

Inherit grid formatting: Determine whether to apply formatting inherited from the widget's underlying grid report. Selected by default.

By default, a Data Cloud widget inherits the number formatting from its underlying grid report in Editable Mode. For example, if a dollar sign ($) is used in the metric values in Editable Mode, a dollar sign is also used in the metric values in the tooltips of the widget.