MicroStrategy ONE

Date Selection Dialog Box

You can specify display options for a Date Selection widget, such as the calendar's background and border colors, using the Date Selection dialog box.

The Date Selection dialog box contains the following tabs:

General Tab options

  • Background color: Select the calendar's background color.
  • Border color: Select the calendar's border color.
  • Highlight color: Select the color displayed when a user rolls over a date on the calendar.
  • Selected color: Choose the color for a selected date.
  • First day of the week: Select the day to display as the first day of the week on the calendar.
  • Highlight today: Select whether to highlight the current date on the calendar.

Fonts tab options

From the drop-down, select a calendar area to format. Each area can be formatted individually. The options include:

  • Month + Year: The calendar header.
  • Day header: The names of the days.
  • Day number: The dates on the calendar.

After you select the calendar area to format, define the formatting using these properties:

  • Font Family: Select the font.
  • Font Size: Select the font size.
  • Color: Select the font color.
  • Bold: Determine whether to bold the font.
  • Italic: Determine whether to italicize the font.

To access the Date Selection dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Date Selection widget and select Properties.