MicroStrategy ONE

Fish Eye Dialog Box

You can specify display options for a Fish Eye Selector widget, such as whether to display the data as text or images, using the Fish Eye dialog box.

The Fish Eye dialog box contains the following tabs:

General Tab Options

  • Mode: Determine whether to display the list of data in the widget in text or image form:

    • To display the list of data appearing to the left of the Grid/Graph in the widget as text, select Text. Default.
    • To display the list of data appearing to the left of the Grid/Graph in the widget as images, select Image. Type the web address of the image in the Image URL field.
  • Highlight color: Select the color for a highlighted item. An item is highlighted when a user hovers their cursor over it. Default is dark gray.
  • Selected color: Choose the color for a selected item. Default is blue.

Advanced tab options

  • Auto: Specify whether the scale, magnification speed, and item spacing are automatically selected. Selected by default.
  • Spacing: Type the number of pixels to display between each item in the selector. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 50. The default value is 0. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared.
  • Default scale: Type the value to specify the default size of the items in the selector. By default, items are sized so that they can all be displayed. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared.
  • Max scale: Type the value to specify the maximum size that an item in the selector can become when you hover the cursor over it. It is recommended that you use a Max scale of 0.65 for selectors that contain approximately 20 items. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared. Default is .65.
  • Scale radius: Type the value to specify how many items adjacent to the item increase in size when you hover the cursor over an item in the selector. This number includes the selected item. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared. Default is 5.
  • Scale slope: Type the value to specify the difference in size between a selected item and the items directly adjacent to it. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared. Default is 1.
  • Animation speed: Type the value to determine the animation speed of the displayed data. A smaller Animation speed results in smoother transitions between items. The minimum value is .1 and the maximum value is 1. Available if the Auto checkbox is cleared. Default is .3.

To access the Fish Eye dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the Fish Eye Selector widget and select Properties.