MicroStrategy ONE

Timeline Dialog Box

You can modify properties for the Timeline widget, such as whether to show labels for each quarter displayed in the timeline, using the Timeline dialog box. For steps to design a Timeline widget for display on an iPad with MicroStrategy Mobile, see the Designing Reports and Documents for iOS and Android Devices chapter in the MicroStrategy Mobile Administration Help. The options are:

  • Initial column display properties: Determine the starting point from which to display data in the timeline when the widget is displayed on a mobile device. The options are:

    • Right justified: Display data in the timeline starting with the most recent dates available.
    • Left justified: Display data in the timeline starting with the earliest dates available.
  • Show labels: Determine whether to show labels for each quarter displayed in the timeline.

To access the Timeline dialog box

  1. In Design Mode or Editable Mode, right-click the Timeline widget and select Properties and Formatting.
  2. From the left, select Widget.
  3. Click the Widget Properties button Widget Properties button.