MicroStrategy ONE

RSS Reader Dialog Box

You can specify display options for an RSS Reader widget, such as whether news items scroll automatically and whether news items are displayed in alternating colors, using the RSS Reader dialog box.

To access the RSS Reader dialog box

In Presentation Mode, right-click the RSS Reader widget and select Properties.

General Tab Options

  • RSS reader title: Type the title for the RSS news feed. The title appears in the top right of the widget.
  • RSS reader title color: Select the color of the RSS reader title. Default is black.
  • Default RSS Field: Type the web address of the RSS content displayed in the widget.
  • Default refresh frequency (Sec): Type the frequency, in seconds, with which the widget refreshes its content. Default is 30.
  • Items shown at a time: Type the number of RSS feed items to show on one page of the widget. Default is 10.
  • Open full article when clicked: Open the entire article in a new window when an RSS item is clicked in the widget. Cleared by default.
  • Use Proxy: Allow the widget to display RSS content that is located on a different web domain than the one used for MicroStrategy Web. Selected by default.
  • Background color: Choose the widget's background color. Default is white.
  • Border Color: Choose the widget's border color. Default is gray.

News Item Tab Options

Select one of the following categories from the drop-down list:

General Category

  • Percentage Height Occupied by the News Item List: Specify how much of the total area the list of news items should occupy. Default is 60.
  • Auto Scroll News Item List: Determine whether news items scroll automatically. Cleared by default.
  • Auto Scroll Direction: Specify the direction in which news items automatically scroll by selecting Up (default) or Down. Available if news items scroll automatically.
  • Auto Scroll Speed (Sec): Specify the speed in seconds at which the news items scroll. Available if news items scroll automatically. Default is 1.

Fonts Category

  • Font Type: Select the font type for the news items. Default is Tahoma.
  • Font Size: Select the font size of the news items. Default is 11.
  • Italic: Select whether to italicize the news items. Cleared by default.
  • Bold: Select whether to bold the news items. Cleared by default.

Colors Category

Alternating color for news items: Select whether to display the news items with alternating colors. Selected by default.

From the drop-down list, select one of the following aspects of the news items to format:

  • Background
  • Rollover background
  • Font
  • Rollover font

Use the color palettes to select the two colors in which to display the aspect of the news items.

Read Articles Category

Mark as read: Select whether news articles that have been read are displayed in a separate color. If news articles are marked as read, select the color to display the read articles in.

News Detail Tab Options

  • Font Type: Select the font of the news details section. Default is Tahoma.
  • Font Size: Select the font size used in the news details section. Default is 10.
  • Font Color: Select the font color of the news details section. Default is black.
  • Italic: Select whether to italicize the news details section. Cleared by default.
  • Bold: Select whether to bold the news details section. Cleared by default.
  • Background color: Select a color for the background of the news details section. Default is white.
  • Show the first item by default: Determine whether the details of the first news item are displayed when the widget is initially opened. Selected by default.
  • Update item detail on rollover: Determine whether the time and date of a news item are displayed when a user hovers their cursor over a news item. Cleared by default.