MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting Microcharts widgets

By default, a Microcharts widget automatically inherits some of the formatting contained in the underlying graph report. For example, the font colors and types contained in the graph report can be displayed in the widget. If you do not want the widget to inherit this formatting, clear the Inherit graph formatting check box in the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

A widget also has additional formatting specific to the type of widget. For a Microcharts widget, you can format the different types of microcharts, as well as the entire widget. Some formatting can be done in Design View in MicroStrategy Developer and in Design Mode and Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web, while other formatting can only be completed in Flash Mode and Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

The following table lists all the formatting options that are available for a Microcharts widget. For detailed instructions on formatting reports and graphs, and therefore a Microcharts widget, see About formatting a report and About formatting a graph report. .

The widget can be displayed as an interactive widget (not as a placeholder, empty space, or a Grid/Graph) in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web, which allows a preview of how these changes will affect the widget. These changes cannot be saved, however. For instructions for displaying the widget in various modes, see Determining how widgets are displayed.

Formatting Option

Dialog Box to Use

Formatting the entire Microcharts widget

Column headers

Format the attribute values on the Grid/Graph that contains the widget, using MicroStrategy Developer or in Design Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Attribute element names

Format the font and color of the first metric's values on the Grid/Graph, using MicroStrategy Developer or in Design Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Metric values

You cannot format individual metric columns.

Format the first metric's values on the Grid/Graph, using MicroStrategy Developer or in Design Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display the metrics for microcharts that are hidden from view


Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

For example, even if bullet microcharts are disabled in the widget, you can choose to display the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth metrics for the bullet charts in the widget.

Display or hide the column headers


Mode tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Hiding the column headers is convenient if you plan to use text fields above the widget.

Hide columns that contain attributes or text, such as metric columns in KPI List mode

Mode tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Hiding text columns is similar to removing attribute column headers in a grid report. It is often convenient to hide text columns if you plan to include multiple microcharts next to one another that share the same attributes.

Specify the opacity of the widget background

Opacity tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Lock the layout, which ensures that the following tasks cannot be performed in the widget:

  • Sorting the data within columns

  • Reordering columns

  • Changing the size of columns

Mode tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display only a single metric column in the widget when it is displayed on the iPad

Users can tap the metric column on the iPad to toggle the metric displayed in the widget. This option is available for widgets displayed in KPI List Mode or Grid Mode on the iPad.

Mode tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Formatting the bar microcharts

Show or hide the bar microcharts

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the minimum and maximum values for the bar microcharts

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the reference line

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the bars (series) in the bar microcharts

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

You can specify a color for the negative values and for the positive values.

Show or hide tooltips

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Add a descriptive column header name above the bar microcharts

Bar tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Formatting the sparkline microcharts

Show or hide the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the markers on the line graph in the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

You can show or hide all of the markers, or only the first and last markers on the line graph.

Show or hide the horizontal reference line or sparkline background (reference area)

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the metric column and values associated with the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the fluctuating line (series) in the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the horizontal reference line

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the sparkline background (reference area)

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide tooltips

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display a descriptive header name for the metric column associated with the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display a descriptive column header name above the sparkline microcharts

Sparkline tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Formatting bullet microcharts

Show or hide the bullet microcharts

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the vertical reference line or color bands

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the legend for the bullet microcharts

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide the metric column and values associated with the bullet microcharts

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the performance bar (positive and negative values)

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the vertical target line

Bullet tab of the Properties dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Change the color of the reference bands

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display a descriptive column header name above the bullet microcharts

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display descriptive band names in the legend

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Add a descriptive header name for the metric column associated with the bullet microcharts

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Select a minimum scale value

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Bullet graphs with performance bars below the minimum scale value are not displayed in the widget.

Show or hide the metric associated to the graph

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Show or hide tooltips

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

Display the bullet microchart from left to right, or right to left (inverted)

Bullet tab of the Microcharts dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.