MicroStrategy ONE

'Formatting Interactive Bubble Graph widgets

By default, an Interactive Bubble Graph widget automatically inherits some of the formatting contained in the underlying graph report. For example, the font colors and types defined for the graph report can be displayed in the widget. If you do not want the widget to inherit this formatting, clear the Inherit graph formatting check box in the Interactive Bubble Graph dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

A widget also has additional formatting specific to the type of widget. For an Interactive Bubble Graph widget, you can format the:

The formatting listed above is done in Design View (MicroStrategy Developer) and in Design Mode and Editable Mode (MicroStrategy Web). In Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web, you can determine:

  • Whether to display the graph legend inside or outside the widget.

  • How the size of the drilled-to (child) bubbles are calculated in reference to the parent bubble. Either the diameter or the area of the parent bubble can be used.

  • Whether to display bubbles with a rounded, 3D effect or as a solid circle.

  • The maximum size of the bubble radius.

  • The colors of the bubbles in reference to a specific object.

    For instance, if you select the Brand attribute, each brand's bubble displays in a different color.

  • Enable or disable zooming and changing the metric displayed on an axis in the widget.

    By default, an analyst can zoom in to a specific area of the widget, or quickly change which metrics are displayed on which axis in the widget using the drop-down lists displayed on each axis. You can enable or disable these options, which are referred to as interactive controls.

  • Whether to display in scatter plot mode only. Scatter plot mode means that all bubbles are the same size, and only two metrics are displayed, for the X-axis and Y-axis. You can define the radius of the bubbles in the scatter plot, but it cannot be bigger than the maximum radius.

  • Whether to enable or disable time series animation.

    This option does not enable time series animation by itself. You must also place a third attribute on the rows of the Grid/Graph that contains the widget. For more information about this specific requirement, see Defining Interactive Bubble Graph widgets.

  • (If time series animation is enabled) Whether the time series animation control bar is automatically hidden from view.

  • (If time series animation is enabled) The format of the time series animation control, including the color, background opacity, and size.

  • (If time series animation is enabled) Font formatting for the time series labels (the attribute header).

  • Whether a user can click a bubble to drill to the data at the next level.

    This option does not enable drilling by itself. You must also place one additional attribute (a second attribute) to the right of the attribute in the rows. For more information about this specific requirement, see Defining Interactive Bubble Graph widgets.

  • (If drilling is enabled) Whether a line appears between a drilled bubble and its corresponding drilled-to (child) bubble, select or clear the Connect bubbles when drilling check box. The line allows you to better visualize which bubbles contain related information.

  • Whether target Grid/Graphs and panel stacks are updated when a user hovers the cursor over a bubble in the widget or an item in the legend.

    This option is applied only if the widget is used as a selector to update Grid/Graphs and panel stacks. For more information on how an Interactive Bubble Graph widget is used as a selector, see Using Interactive Bubble Graph widgets as selectors. For instructions to use a widget as a selector, see Viewing data related to widgets: Using widgets as selectors.

  • Whether the selection box (the lasso) automatically updates the targeted Grid/Graphs and panel stacks, if the widget is used as a selector.

    • For example, when this option is selected, an analyst can drag a selection box around two brand bubbles in the widget to automatically display those brands in the targeted Grid/Graph. If the option is cleared, the analyst must click the Select icon to update the target.

    • This option does not enable the widget to be used as a selector. You must enable attributes or attribute elements in the Grid/Graph that contains the widget. For more information about this specific requirement, see Using Interactive Bubble Graph widgets as selectors.

The widget can be displayed as an interactive widget (not as a placeholder, empty space, or a Grid/Graph) in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web, which allows a preview of how these changes will affect the widget. These changes cannot be saved, however. For instructions for displaying the widget in various modes, see Determining how widgets are displayed.

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