MicroStrategy ONE

Export Options: Advanced Options for Exporting to Access

This dialog box is accessed from the My Preferences dialog box (My Preferences: Export category), and these default settings are applied to all reports in a project. They can be overridden at the report level, by accessing the Export Options dialog box for that particular report.

The Advanced Options for Exporting to Access dialog box contains the following options:


Select one of the following:

  • Append to an existing table: Allows you to specify that the report data should be appended to an existing table.

  • Overwrite an existing table without preserving its structure: Allows you to specify that the report data should overwrite an existing table and the table structure should not be preserved.

Export Column Header

Select one of the following:

  • Use attribute alias and form name for column name: Allows you to specify that the attribute alias and form name should be used as the column name in the table.

  • Use attribute alias only for column name: Allows you to specify that only the attribute alias should be used as the column name in the table.

Error handling:

  • Cancel exporting if the pre-macro fails: Allows you to specify that the exporting should be cancelled if the pre-macro (a macro assigned to run before the report is exported) fails.

  • Cancel exporting if the post-macro fails: Allows you to specify that the exporting should be cancelled if the post-macro (a macro assigned to run after the report is exported) fails.

  • Cancel exporting if the table is not found: Allows you to specify that the exporting should be cancelled if the specified table is not found.

These options apply to the particular template or report, overriding the project level defaults. For information about project-level export options, see My Preferences: Advanced Options for Exporting to Access.

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