MicroStrategy ONE
Applying default formatting and behavior to grid-graph reports project-wide
You can set up default formatting and various behaviors such as resizing for Grid Graph reports. These defaults are automatically applied to all Grid Graph reports throughout the project. These defaults can be overridden by specific formatting or behavior applied to individual Grid Graph reports.
You must have Developer privileges, or a set of privileges that allow you to access the various object editors in MicroStrategy Developer, to have these settings take effect in reports.
To apply default formatting and behavior to grid graph reports project-wide
Right-click the project for which you want to set the grid graph options and choose MyPreferences. The My Preferences dialog box opens.
In the list of categories on the left, select Grid Graph.
Select a grid position from the Grid Position drop-down list. This affects the location of the grid report on the screen, relative to the graph report.
Specify the values for Grid Percentage and Minimum Grid Percentage. These values control the amount of space that the grid view of the report occupies on the report, relative to the graph view of the report. For example, if you set Grid Percentage as 40, the grid view occupies 40% of the report page and the graph view occupies 60% of the report page.
The value of Grid Percentage can never be less than the value of Minimum Grid Percentage.
Click OK to save the settings and return to MicroStrategy Developer.