MicroStrategy ONE
Accessing objects quickly during report creation: Object Browser
The Object Browser is a report design tool that provides a hierarchical view of the objects contained in a project. These objects can be dragged and dropped onto a report's template to create a new report. An example of the Object Browser is shown below:
The following procedure describes how to display or hide the Object Browser.
You must have Developer privileges (or a broader set of privileges) to be able to access the Report Editor and the Object Browser.
To quickly access objects during report creation
Open the Report Editor. You can open the Report Editor with an existing report in it, by double-clicking on an existing report. Alternatively, you can open the Report Editor by navigating to a report folder, right-clicking in any open area on the right side of MicroStrategy Developer, and selecting New, then Report.
From the View menu, select Object Browser.
If the Object Browser window was hidden, it becomes displayed (on the left side of the editor); if it was displayed, it becomes hidden.