MicroStrategy ONE
Applying default formatting and behavior to graph reports project-wide
You can set up default formatting, graph style, and various behaviors such as resizing for graph reports. These defaults are automatically applied to all graph reports and graphs in documents, throughout the project. These defaults can be overridden by any specific formatting or behavior applied to specific graph reports, either during the design process or when an analyst is viewing the report.
To apply similar formatting or behavior to a specific graph report, see Preferences dialog box.
You must have Developer privileges, or a set of privileges that allow you to access the various object editors in MicroStrategy Developer, to have these settings take effect in reports.
To apply default formatting and behavior to graph reports project-wide
Right-click the project for which to set graph report options and choose MyPreferences. The My Preferences dialog box opens.
In the list of categories on the left, expand Graph, and then select General.
Click the Graph Options button. The Graph Options dialog box opens.
On the General tab, you can choose the default display options for all graph reports. These options include the default graph type and graph style, the method of resizing fonts and lines, and scrolling options. For details about each option, see Graph Options: General tab.
On the Size tab, you can set how the graph size changes when the report window is resized: use a ratio, use a fixed size, or use the entire window. For more information, see Graph Options: Size tab.
On the Web/HTML Document Display tab, you can set the default options for Web/HTML document display. These options include the default graph dimensions and the graph format. For more information, see Graph Options: Web/HTML Document Display tab.
On the Graph Types tab, you can choose specific graph types for report display and to specify whether these types apply to MicroStrategy Web, MicroStrategy Developer, or both. For more information, see Graph Options: Graph Types tab.
Click OK to save the settings. You are returned to the My Preferences dialog box.
Click OK. You are returned to MicroStrategy Developer.