MicroStrategy ONE
Setting grid alignment preferences for documents
Document designers with Developer privileges can designate what alignment options they prefer for grid reports that are used in Report Services documents. These preferences will appear in the Document Editor when you are designing or editing a document.
You must own the MicroStrategy Report Services product to be able to work with Report Services documents and the Document Editor.
You must have Developer privileges to be able to access the Document Editor.
To set alignment options for grid reports on documents in the Document Editor
Right-click a project in the Folder List and choose MyPreferences. The My Preferences dialog box opens.
In the list of categories on the left, expand Editors, then select Document.
Select the Measurement Units from the drop-down list. This affects the alignment grid and ruler in the Document Editor.
Select the Alignment Grid Density from the drop-down list. This controls how close together the alignment gridpoints are in the Document Editor.
Use the Selection Behavior drop-down list to choose whether the selection box (in the Layout area of a document) must touch the control or fully enclose it in order to select the control.
You can also enable the Expand all datasets when opening the Document Editor check box. This causes all datasets listed on the left side of the Document Editor to be automatically fully expanded whenever you open a document in the Document Editor, so you can see all objects in each dataset.
Click OK to save your changes and return to MicroStrategy Developer.