MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting Time Series Slider widgets

By default, a Time Series widget automatically inherits some of the formatting contained in the underlying graph report. For example, the font colors and types contained in the graph report can be displayed in the widget. If you do not want the widget to inherit this formatting, clear the Inherit graph formatting check box in the Time Series Slider dialog box in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

A widget also has additional formatting specific to the type of widget. For a Time Series Slider widget, you can change:

The formatting listed above is done in Design View (MicroStrategy Developer) and in Design Mode and Editable Mode (MicroStrategy Web). In Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web, you can specify:

  • Whether to display the graph legend inside or outside the graph.

  • Whether the height of the Y-axis of the primary graph is fixed or automatically resized to the displayed data.

  • Whether or not to view only a subset of the dataset on the graph. This data sampling option displays an equally-dispersed set of X-axis values on the graph, to provide an overall impression about the graph's value. You can specify the number of data points that are displayed.

    You should view a subset only if you are working with datasets in which removing data points will not affect the overall meaning of the graph.

  • Whether or not to display all series as lines on the graph. By default, the first series in the graph is displayed as an area graph.

  • The slider position, which determines the range of values that are displayed in the widget when the document opens. The slider can be given a default position, or return to the same position it was in when the document was last saved.

  • Whether the slider or the primary graph is used as a selector. Target Grid/Graphs and panel stacks are updated when a user hovers the cursor over either a data point in the primary graph or a range of data in the slider.

    This option is applied only if the widget is used as a selector to update Grid/Graphs and panel stacks. For more information on how a Time Series Slider widget is used as a selector, see Using Time Series Slider widgets as selectors. For instructions to use a widget as a selector, see Viewing data related to widgets: Using widgets as selectors.

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