MicroStrategy ONE

Viewing news related to a specific topic

The RSS Reader widget can automatically display news related to a specific topic. For example, you can display news about a specific company as you analyze related data in the Report Services (RS) dashboard.

To display news about an attribute element, you must use a dynamic RSS feed URL in the widget. For example, to use a Yahoo! RSS feed to search for and display news related to MicroStrategy, you must use a URL such as the following:


This URL includes the necessary p= query parameter, as well as the URL's Universal Transformation Code (UTF) encoding and language properties.

Some URLs, such as the one above, include a parameter for UTF. If you have to specify this parameter in a URL, use UTF-8 encoding.

Similarly, to search on retail sales, you can modify the URL as follows:


Use a + character to include a space between words.

The query and language parameters used in a dynamic feed URL differ depending on the RSS feed you are using. Consult your RSS news provider's website for information about the parameters and syntax to use in the RSS feed's URL.

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