MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting RSS Reader widgets

Use Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web to specify:

  • Whether or not a title, which you specify, is displayed at the top right of the widget.

  • The background color of the widget.

  • The border color of the widget.

  • The frequency that the widget's content is refreshed.

  • The number of RSS feed items to show on one page of the widget.

  • The amount of area that the list of news items occupies.

  • Whether or not the news items scroll automatically. If you select automatic scrolling, you can specify the direction and speed of the scrolling.

  • The formatting of the text of the news items.

  • The color of the news items. You can select different colors for the background, roll-over background, font, and roll-over font. You can also choose to display the news items in alternating colors.

  • Whether to display read news items in a different color, which you specify.

  • The formatting of the text in the news detail section.

  • The background color of the news details section.

  • Whether or not the details of the first news item are displayed when the widget is opened.

  • Whether or not to open the entire article in a new window when an RSS item is clicked in the widget.

  • Whether or not the time and date of a news item are displayed when a user hovers the cursor over the news item.

The widget can be displayed as an interactive widget (not as a placeholder, empty space, or a Grid/Graph) in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web, which allows a preview of how these changes will affect the widget. These changes cannot be saved, however. For instructions for displaying the widget in various modes, see Determining how widgets are displayed.