MicroStrategy ONE

Viewing media related to a specific attribute, document, or dataset

A Media widget can display video, audio, images, or website content related to a specific attribute, document, or dataset. For example, you can select the Northeast region from a Grid/Graph or selector to play a sales video for that region. In the video, the manager of the Northeast region discusses the sales performance of the region. If you select the West region in the Report Services (RS) dashboard, a video for the West sales region is played. You can also use this type of functionality with a store attribute. Depending on the store selected, the video recorded by that store's manager is played. Alternatively, the widget could present an audio update, show an image of the store, or display the store's home page.

To play media related to a specific attribute, you must specify the name of the attribute when you specify the location of the media file. For example, several sales videos on your corporate website are devoted to different store locations; the sales videos are named East.swf,

You can also play media files related to a document or dataset report by inserting the document or dataset report name in the URL or folder location in the following format: {[#name of document#]} or {[#name of dataset#]}.

Follow the guidelines below to display media related to a specific attribute, document, or dataset report:

  • Attribute names: Use the following format to specify the name of an attribute: {[name of attribute]}. For example, to display a video related to a specific marketing campaign, you can use the following format: http://www.example.com/

    Use a + character to separate the names of different attributes or attribute elements. For example, if you are using a selector to filter the Store and Zip Code attributes, use the following format: http://www.example.com/videos/{[Store]+[

  • Document or dataset report names: Use the following format to specify the name of a document or dataset report: {[#name of document#]} or {[#name of dataset#]}

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