MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting Heat Map widgets

By default, a Heat Map widget automatically inherits some of the formatting contained in the underlying graph report. For example, the font colors and types defined for the graph report can be displayed in the widget. If you do not want the widget to inherit this formatting, clear the Inherit graph formatting check box in the Heat Map dialog box in Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

A widget also has additional formatting specific to the type of widget. For a Heat Map widget, you can change the number format of the values that appear when a user hovers the cursor over a rectangle. For example, you can format numbers to appear as dollars and cents, as percentages, or even as scientific notation. This formatting is done in Design View (MicroStrategy Developer) and in Design Mode and Editable Mode (MicroStrategy Web). For instructions, see Changing the number format of the metric values.

In Flash Mode or Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web, you can specify:

  • Whether to display a legend for the Heat Map, and the colors of the legend.

  • Whether to display the metric values—for instance, revenue by state—in each section of the widget. The widget is divided into sections by attributes.

  • For example, you add Customer Region, Quarter, and Revenue to the Grid/Graph that contains the widget. The widget is then divided first into the Customer Region section, and then into Quarters within the Customer Region section. If metric values are displayed, revenue values are displayed for each Quarter in each Customer Region section.

  • Whether to display labels in each rectangle. If labels are displayed, you can set them to be proportional, with the size of each label reflecting the size of the rectangle.

  • Whether scale boundaries are enabled. Scale boundaries can help you focus the widget on a specific range of data from a specific metric.

By default, the minimum and maximum range for the color slider is determined automatically by the data in the widget. If the data changes, then the minimum and maximum can also change. You can instead set the minimum and maximum scale range for a specific metric, so that specific colors always mean specific metric values. Outlying metric values use solid colors, rather than shaded colors.

  • The color of the header displayed on all attributes in the widget.

  • Whether to allow attributes to be removed from the widget. Removed attributes can be added back to the Heat Map when needed.

  • The color of the background, which displays behind all of the object sections and the widget legend.

  • The color of the border that outlines the entire widget.

The widget can be displayed as an interactive widget (not as a placeholder, empty space, or a Grid/Graph) in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web, which allows a preview of how these changes will affect the widget. These changes cannot be saved, however. For instructions for displaying the widget in various modes, see Determining how widgets are displayed.

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