MicroStrategy ONE

Report Editor

The Report Editor is where you create and modify reports. It incorporates features from the Template Editor, the Filter Editor, and the Object Browser, to enable creation of filters and templates from a single editor.

You must have Report Designer privileges to use the Report Editor and to see a report in Design view. To see information on another report view mode, see any of the following:

Before you begin using the Report Editor, you should:

  • Be familiar with the location of the objects within your project

  • Have attributes, metrics, and facts available in your project

  • Be familiar with the concepts of filters and templates.

For additional information, refer to the Basic Reporting Help.

Accessing the Report Editor

Before you can access this editor, you must first log in to a project.

  1. Select File/New/Report from the MicroStrategy Developer menu bar.

  2. Select the Empty Report icon on the New Grid dialog box.

  • You cannot access the New menu option until you log in to a project.

  • The New Grid dialog box is displayed by default the first time you use the Report Editor. If you do not wish it to be displayed in the future, select the box for Don't show this dialog in the future.

Report Editor contents

The Report Editor help is divided into the following topics. Click each for more information.