MicroStrategy ONE

Filter on Metric dialog box

A view filter restricts the amount of data displayed on the report and provides you with a different view of the data. You must own the OLAP Services product to create a view filter. For more details, see About view filters.

Use the Filter on Metric dialog box to create a view filter on a selected metric based on a rank range of metric values or to define a condition that is based on any metric on your report. For example, a view filter on a rank range of metric values allows you to view analysis for the bottom 20 products in terms of profit margin. A view filter based on a condition allows you to view analysis such as employees with 10-20 years of tenure with the company.

This topic provides the steps to access the Filter on Metric dialog box and explains each option in the Filter on right-click menu. The options in the Filter on right-click menu are Clear, Top N, Add Condition, and Edit Condition. This topic does not provide steps to create a certain type of view filter.

Accessing the Filter on Metric dialog box

  1. Run the report in Grid View.

  2. Right-click a metric on the report, select Filter On, and then select one of the following:

    •  To create a view filter based on a rank range of metric values, select Top N.

    • To create a view filter based on a condition, select Add Condition.

    • The Filter On Metric dialog box opens.

Filter On options

When you right-click a metric and select Filter On, the menu displays different options depending on whether the selected metric already has a view filter or not. If the selected metric has prior filtering conditions applied on it, the following options are displayed: