MicroStrategy ONE

Properties dialog box: General tab

The General tab contains the following properties, which vary depending on the type of object selected.


These properties are available for all objects, unless indicated otherwise.

  • Name: Identifies the control; it appears in the Property List.

    You cannot change the name of sections.

  • Type: Cannot be changed; it is automatically set when the control is created.

  • Visible check box: Determines whether the control is displayed when a user views the document. Even when this check box is cleared, the control is still visible in Design View. If it is cleared, you cannot view the control in PDF view or display modes in MicroStrategy Web. By default, the control is visible.

  • Visible in Web View mode: Determines whether the section is displayed in display modes in MicroStrategy Web. By default, the section is visible.

    This property is available only for the Document Header/Footer and Page Header/Footer sections, and only if the Visible property is selected.

  • Tooltip: Contains the pop-up text that is displayed when a user positions the cursor over this control in MicroStrategy Web.

    This property is not available for sections.


The Navigation settings are available for text fields and images only.

  • Is hyperlink check box: Specifies whether the control is a hyperlink to the location specified in the Hyperlink property.

  • Hyperlink: Available only when the Is hyperlink check box is selected. This is the destination of the hyperlink.

  • Open in new window: Available only when the Is hyperlink check box is selected. This specifies whether the hyperlink opens in the same window as the current document or in a new window. By default, it opens in a new window.

    This setting affects HTML View only.

Report Details Properties

The Report Details properties are available for text fields only.

Format: Allows you to configure the content of auto text codes, which are document or dataset variable information. These properties do not affect the formatting of the text field (such as the font name or background color), but rather what is displayed in the text field. For example, you can select whether to include view filter information or the attribute name in a report filter details auto text code. When you click Format, the Report Details Properties dialog box opens. For more information on configuring auto text codes, including procedures, see Configuring auto text codes.

Title Bar

The title bar is available for panel stacks, Grid/Graphs, and selectors only.

For Grid/Graphs, the following options are available:

  • Show title bar: Displays a title bar which helps to identify the Grid/Graph and provide a dashboard look to your documents. This title bar is displayed when the Grid/Graph is displayed.

  • Custom title: Displays in the title bar of the Grid/Graph, if the title bar is displayed. If this field is left blank, the title of the report is used.

  • Display state: Sets how the Grid/Graph window is initially displayed: at its normal size, minimized, or maximized. Available only if Show grid and graph title bar or Show widget title bar is selected.

For panel stacks, the following options are available:

  • Show title bar: Displays a title bar which helps to identify the panel stack and provide a dashboard look to your documents.

  • Allow current panel to be changed without selector: By default, this check box is selected, which means that:

  • Selector arrows are displayed on the panel stack's title bar. These arrows allow a user to switch between panels in MicroStrategy Web and in Flash View in MicroStrategy Developer. For an example and more details on how they work, see Panel selector arrows on the title bar.

  • In a document displayed in MicroStrategy Mobile, swiping a panel stack switches to another panel, as described in the MicroStrategy Mobile Analysis Help.

    If this check box is cleared, selector arrows are not displayed and horizontal swiping on iPad documents is disabled. You should add a selector that targets the panel stack, so that users can change panels.

  • Use as Information Window for template selectors: Defines whether or not the panel stack is used as an Information Window, which lets users view additional information about an attribute element by tapping the element in a grid or graph. This property applies to documents viewed in MicroStrategy Mobile, and in Flash Mode and Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web. It is used for a panel stack that is targeted by a Grid/Graph used as selector.

    Before you select the check box, ensure that the panel stack contains the appropriate information, and is defined as a target of a Grid/Graph used as a selector. Also, set TitletoTitle of panel stack, and type the title inCustom Title. For complete instructions, prerequisites, and an example, see Defining Information Windows.

  • Custom title: Displays in the title bar of the panel stack, only if Title (see below) is set to Title of panel stack.

  • Title: Sets what is displayed in the title bar of the panel stack. The options are:

  • Title of current panel: Displays the name of the current panel, as set in the Panels tab.

  • Title of panel stack: Displays the title of the panel stack, as set in the Customtitle property above.

For selectors, the following options are available:

  • Show title bar: Displays a title bar which helps to identify the selector or provide instructions about using the selector.

  • Custom title: Displays in the title bar of the selector. If this field is left blank, the selector's Name is displayed, unless the selector's Action Type is defined as Select attribute element or Metric condition. In those cases, the Source of the target (such as Region or Revenue) is displayed.


This property is available for panel stacks only.

  • Inherit from document: Uses the document-level setting, which is defined in Document Properties dialog box: Advanced.

  • All panels: Loads all panels when the document is executed in MicroStrategy Web.

  • Current panel only: Loads only the first panel (the current panel) when the document is executed in MicroStrategy Web; other panels are loaded when the user requests them.

Other tabs in the Properties dialog box:

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