MicroStrategy ONE

Properties dialog box: Advanced tab

This tab is available only if the selected control is a Grid/Graph or panel stack. The options include:

  • Targeted By table, which lists the attributes that target the selected control.

  • The Selection Type column displays whether the selector filters or slices the data, and allows you to change the type.

    The selections made in a filtering selector are used to filter the underlying dataset before the metric values are aggregated at the level of the Grid/Graph that is displayed in the document. The selections made in a slicing selectors are used to determine which slices of data are combined and shown in the Grid/Graph. For more details on the differences, including examples, see Applying selections as filters or slices.

  • Incremental Fetch settings (available only for Grid/Graphs). For a Grid/Graph, you can also enable incremental fetch, by selecting the Enable incremental fetch on grid check box, then entering the Maximum number of rows per page.

    Incremental fetch divides large Grid/Graphs into pages, thereby loading the data in batches (or blocks) rather than all at the same time. Incremental fetch is applied only when the document is executed in Editable Mode, Interactive Mode, or Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web. MicroStrategy Developer does not apply incremental fetch to Grid/Graphs. For more information on incremental fetch for Grid/Graphs, see Improving document performance in MicroStrategy Web: Incremental fetch on Grid/Graphs.

  • Export setting (available only for panel stacks). For a panel stack, you can determine whether or not to Clip contents of panel stack when exporting. If the contents of a panel stack are bigger than the panel stack itself (for example, a wide Grid/Graph), the object is clipped and not fully displayed when the document is exported, since panel stacks cannot grow in size. If the contents are not clipped (this check box is cleared), the panel stack is essentially not exported, allowing the contents to be fully displayed.

  • Transitions, which are visual animations that specify how a control is first displayed in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. For example, a Grid/Graph can fade in, or when a user picks an item in a selector, the Grid/Graph can blur as the selected item is displayed.

  • Use transition: Specifies the type of transition animation used in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. The types of transitions that appear in the drop-down list depend on the selected control. For example, the list of transition types for Grid/Graphs is different than the list for panel stacks.

  • Speed: Determines how quickly the transition animation takes.

    Transitions are not used for widgets.

Other tabs in the Properties dialog box:

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