MicroStrategy ONE

Properties dialog box: Layout tab

The Layout tab contains the following properties, which vary depending on the type of object selected. All measures are in inches.


These Position settings are not available for panels and sections.

  • Left: The distance between the left edge of the object and the left border of the section.

  • Top: The distance between the top edge of the control and the top of the section.

  • Locked: Determines whether the control can be resized or moved in MicroStrategy Web. Sections cannot be locked, but all controls, including panel stacks, can be locked.

    This is useful when a document template contains an object that should not be moved or resized inadvertently when multiple objects are selected at the same time. For basic information on templates, see Creating document templates; for instructions to select multiple objects simultaneously, see Selecting multiple controls simultaneously.

    The lock functionality only applies to MicroStrategy Web. You can select or clear the Locked property in MicroStrategy Developer, but the control can still be sized or moved in MicroStrategy Developer.


  • Height: The height of the object.

  • Height mode: Determines whether the height is dynamic or static. It is not available for sections or panel stacks. The Height modes are:

  • Fixed: The height does not change from the size in the Height field.

    If you choose Fixed for a Grid/Graph, you can specify that the Grid/Graph is clipped (displaying only what can fit within the size dimensions) when it is exported to PDF and Excel. This is the Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) property, which is defined on the Grid tab.

  • 100%: The object's height is set to the height of the section. This is used for lines and rectangles only.

  • Fit to contents: The height expands to the height of the object. This is used for text fields, Grid/Graphs displayed as grids, and selectors. This mode is ignored in Design View.

  • Width: The width of the object. It is not available for section headers/footers.

  • Width mode: Determines whether the width is dynamic or static. It is not available for text fields, sections, panel stacks, or selectors. The Width modes are similar to the Height modes described above.

    If you choose Fixed for a Grid/Graph, you can specify that the Grid/Graph is clipped (displaying only what can fit within the size dimensions) when it is exported to PDF and Excel. This is the Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) property, which is defined on the Grid tab.

  • Lock aspect ratio: Determines whether the image retains its original width-to-height ratio. It is available only for images.

  • Title height: The height of the title bar. It is available only for panel stacks, Grid/Graphs, and selectors only.

  • Content overflow: Determines how to display the data when it is larger than the dimensions of its object. This property is available only for panel stacks and text fields. The options are:

  • Clip: Displays only the data that can fit within the size of the text field or panel stack.

  • Scroll: Displays a scroll bar to allow a user to view all of the data (default).

  • For text fields, the scroll bar is displayed for HTML View in MicroStrategy Developer, Express Mode and Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Web, and when the document is exported to HTML. In other views/modes, the text is clipped. The scroll bar is most useful when the Height mode of a text field is set to Fixed.

  • For panel stacks, the scroll bar is displayed in Flash View in MicroStrategy Developer; Express Mode, Flash Mode, and Interactive Mode in Web; and when the document is exported to Flash. In other views/modes, the contents are clipped, except for PDF View in MicroStrategy Developer, which is controlled by the Clip contents of panel stack when exporting setting on the Properties dialog box: Advanced tab. When the document is exported to Excel, the full panel stack is always displayed.

The following settings are used for section headers/footers only:

  • Height can grow check box: Determines whether the section height can expand to fit its contents. It is used in View and HTML Mode only.

  • Height can shrink check box: Determines whether the section height can shrink to fits its contents. It is used in View and HTML Mode only.

  • Max height: The maximum height for the section. Zero (0) indicates there is no height limit.

  • Hide if empty: Determines whether the section displays if it has no content, regardless of how the Can Shrink property is set. By default, it is set to True.


The Excel setting is available for sections only.

  • Automatically fit rows: Determines whether or not Excel automatically resizes the row heights when the document is exported.

    By default, the height of all rows is the same in a document exported to Excel. This conserves the same layout that you created in the document. However, a Grid/Graph can contain data that is too long to fit inside an Excel cell and is therefore cut off. You can allow Excel to dynamically and automatically resize the row heights in a specific document section so that the rows are tall enough to display the full text. For more details, see Allowing Excel to automatically change row height. For instructions on exporting documents to Excel, see Exporting documents to Excel.


These PDF break settings are used for document, group, and detail headers/footers only. They are used in PDF View and Express Mode.

  • Force new page: Specifies whether a page break is inserted. The options are:

    • None: No page break is inserted

    • Before section: The current section is always printed at the top of a new page

    • After section: The section immediately following the current section is printed at the top of a new page

    • Before and after section, which means that the current section is printed at the top of a new page and the next section is printed at the top of a new page

    • Keep together check box: Specifies whether a page break is allowed within the section. By default, the check box is cleared, meaning that as much of the section as possible is printed on the current page, with the remainder on the following pages. If the property is selected and the entire section does not fit on the page, the section starts on the top of the next page and continues on subsequent pages.

The following settings are used for section headers only:

  • Repeat horizontally check box: Specifies whether the entire contents of the selected section are repeated on the next horizontal page when the section spans multiple pages.

  • Repeat on each page check box: Specifies whether the entire contents of the header are repeated on the next page/column when the section spans multiple pages.

Item Size

The Item Size settings are available for selectors only.

Make all items the same width check box: Controls the sizing behavior of the selector items (for example, buttons). By default, this check box is cleared, which means that the width of each item is proportional to the length of the text inside the item. Select the check box to use the same width for all the items.

Other tabs in the Properties dialog box:

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