MicroStrategy ONE

Format Objects dialog box

Before you begin

This topic discusses the Format Objects dialog box as it appears when accessed from a document. Note that when accessed from the Conditional Formatting dialog box, this dialog box is named Formatting rather than Format Objects.

For information on the similar Format Cells dialog box as accessed from a report or metric, see Format Cells dialog box.

Use the Format Objects dialog box to set the formatting options for controls or for conditional formats in a document. You can also use it to format different parts of Grid/Graphs and panel stacks; these different parts are described below:

  • Container is the object that holds the actual Grid/Graph or panel stack, or the selector items of a selector.

  • Title bar is the area at the top of a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector that identifies the control.

Format Objects dialog box layout

Depending on the object selected for formatting, the Format Objects dialog box displays differently:

  • If you selected a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector, the left side of the dialog box contains a list of the objects, or areas, of the selected control, as described above. Click an object to select it. The tabs on the right then display the formatting available for that object.

  • If you selected any other control, the object list is not displayed. The tabs display the formatting options available for the control.

  • If you selected a conditional format, the dialog box is named Formatting and the object list is not displayed. The tabs display the formatting options available for the control.

The Format Objects dialog box can contain any of the following tabs, depending on the object selected for formatting. Click each for more information:

  • Alignment is available for text fields, selectors, HTML containers, and title bars

  • Background is available for all controls and objects except lines and images

  • Border is available for all controls and objects except lines and rectangles

  • Effects is available for all controls and objects except title bars

  • Font is available for text fields, selectors, HTML containers, and title bars

  • Line is available for lines and rectangles

  • Number is available for text fields

Accessing the Format Objects dialog box

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor.

  2. Click the control to format.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the control and select Format.

    • From the Format menu, select Format.

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