MicroStrategy ONE

Detail Properties dialog box

By default, all sections are displayed and printed vertically in a document. That is, the Detail Header is displayed below the Document Header, the Detail is displayed below the Detail Header, and so on.

The Detail Properties dialog box allows you to display detail sections horizontally across the page. That is, the Detail Header is displayed next to the Detail, followed by the Detail Footer, in a horizontal row across the page. Detail sections include the Detail Header, Detail Footer, and Detail. You can display all three sections horizontally or just the Detail alone.

Accessing the Detail Properties dialog box

Right-click in the Detail Header, Detail, or Detail Footer section and select Detail Properties.

Detail Properties layout

The dialog box contains the following options:

  • Render Detail header and footer horizontally: Determines if the detail sections are displayed horizontally. If this check box is selected, the Render Detail horizontally check box is automatically selected as well, so that all three sections are displayed horizontally.

  • Render Detail horizontally: Determines if the Detail section is displayed horizontally.

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