MicroStrategy ONE

Selector dialog box

The Selector dialog box allows you to define a Grid/Graph or a widget as a selector.

  • Grid/Graph as selector: Changes in one Grid/Graph affect another Grid/Graph. The Grid/Graph does not become a selector, but performs in a manner similar to a selector. A panel stack, rather than another Grid/Graph, can also be the target of a Grid/Graph. For an example, see Enabling Grid/Graphs to control other Grid/Graphs.

  • Widget as selector: Since widgets are created using Grid/Graphs, you can also use report objects on the widget's template as selectors. As with Grid/Graphs, the widget does not become a selector, but is used as a selector to target a Grid/Graph or panel stack. You can create selectors from Interactive Bubble Graph, Interactive Stacked Graph, and Time Series Slider widgets. For details on creating them, see Viewing data related to widgets: Using widgets as selectors.

The Selector dialog box contains two lists:

  • The list on the left contains the panel stacks and Grid/Graphs in the document; these are available to be used as the target of the Grid/Graph or widget. Select the target(s) and click > to add them to the list on the right.

    The target of the Grid/Graph or widget is the object that changes its display based on the user's input.

  • The list on the right contains the selected targets.

If targets are automatically maintained, the Available targets and Selected targets lists are unavailable. All Grid/Graphs and panel stacks in the same document section or panel as the selector are displayed in the Selected targets list. You can disable automatic targets by clicking the Manual Targets button. If you do, all selectors in the layout are no longer automatically maintained. For more information about disabling automatic target maintenance, see Automatically maintaining targets for selectors.

The Selector dialog box also contains the following properties:

  • Apply selections as a filter: Determines whether the selector filters or slices the data. The difference is briefly described below; for more details on the differences, including examples, see Applying selections as filters or slices.

    • The selections made in a filtering selector are used to filter the underlying dataset before the metric values are aggregated at the level of the Grid/Graph that is displayed in the document.

    • The selections made in a slicing selector are used to determine which slices of data are combined and shown in the Grid/Graph.

      The Apply selections as a filter check box is unavailable and cleared if you selected the Metrics column as the selector.

  • Show option for All: Determines whether the All option is shown, which causes all the attribute elements in the target to be displayed.

  • Show option for Total: Specifies whether the Total option is shown, which allows the user to display totals. For an example and more details, see Showing totals in selectors. The Show option for Total check box is available if the selector slices the data (the Apply selections as a filter check box is cleared).

  • Automatically update when there is no data for the current selection: Determines how the target displays when no data exists. The selector that you want to be automatically updated must be on a panel. The selector that will update the first selector must target the panel stack. For an example, see Determining how the target of a selector displays when no data exists. This check box is available if the selector slices the data (the Apply selections as a filter check box is cleared).

  • To display a message that no data is returned, clear the check box.

  • To display an item, select the check box.

Accessing the Selector dialog box

  1. Open a document in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Double-click the Grid/Graph (or the Grid/Graph containing the widget) to use as the selector. A red hashed border displays around it, indicating that the Grid/Graph is in edit mode.

  3. Right-click the attribute, custom group, or consolidation name (not an element) in the Grid/Graph to use as the selector, and choose Use asSelector (or Edit Selector, if a selector has already been enabled for the Grid/Graph). The Selector dialog box opens.

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