MicroStrategy ONE

Properties dialog box: Grid tab

This tab is available only if the selected control is a Grid/Graph. The Grid properties include the following:

  • Data source: the name of the dataset used to populate the Grid/Graph. The drop-down list shows all the datasets in the document.

  • Shortcut: whether the Grid/Graph is a shortcut. A shortcut links the Grid/Graph to the original report. Any changes made to that report, such as formatting a metric or changing the graph type, are automatically passed to the Grid/Graph in the document. You cannot edit the Grid/Graph, which includes adding a view filter, in the document unless you unlink it, that is remove the shortcut. For more information on shortcuts, see Adding Grid/Graphs as shortcuts linked to reports.

  • View mode: how the Grid/Graph is displayed. The options are:

    • Grid displays the control as a standard MicroStrategy grid report with rows and columns of attributes and metrics

    • Graph displays the data visually as in a standard MicroStrategy graph report

    • Grid and graph combines both Grid and Graph views into one control

    • Grid position: the position of the grid when the Display mode is set to Grid and graph. The options are:

      • Top: the grid is displayed on top of the graph

      • Bottom: the grid displays below the graph

      • Left: the grid is displayed to the left of the graph

      • Right: the grid is displayed to the right of the graph

        Grid position is available only when the View mode is set to Grid and graph.

    • Grid will take: the ratio of the width or height of the field that the grid uses.

      • If Grid position is set to Top or Bottom, this property represents the height percentage.

      • If Grid position is set to Left or Right, this property represents the width percentage.

        Grid will take is available only when the View mode is set to Grid and graph.

    • Grid overflow (HTML): how to display the grid when it is larger than its container. This property is used in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web when the Grid/Graph is displayed as a grid or as both a grid and a graph. The options are:

    • Clip: displays only what can fit within the size dimensions.

    • Scroll: displays scroll bars to allow you to view the entire grid.

      Grid overflow (HTML) is not available when the View mode is set to Graph.

    • Grid overflow (PDF and Excel): how to display the grid when the document is exported to PDF or Excel. The options are:

    • Clip: displays only what can fit within the size dimensions.

    • Fit to grid contents: displays the entire grid.

  • Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) is not available when the View mode is set to Graph.

  • The Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) option is used only if the Height mode or Width mode (as specified on the Layout tab) is defined as Fixed.

  • Graph overflow (PDF): how to display the graph when the document is exported to PDF. The options are:

    • None: displays a single graph with the maximum number of categories or series. Any categories or series above the maximum are ignored.

    • Vertical: displays as many graphs as necessary to show all the data, regardless of the category or series maximum. The graphs are displayed vertically, spaced by the amount specified inSpacing.

    • Horizontal:displays as many graphs as necessary to show all the data, regardless of the category or series maximum. The graphs are displayed horizontally, spaced by the amount specified inSpacing.

    • Graphoverflow (PDF) is available only when the View mode is set to Graph.
  • Spacing: is the size of the gap between multiple graphs when the document is exported to PDF.

    • Spacing is available only when the View mode is set to Graph.

  • Quick switch: determines whether a user can switch between viewing the grid or the graph by clicking a button in either Interactive Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web. This option is displayed only when View mode is set to Grid or to Graph. For more information, see Enabling quick switch for Grid/Graphs.

Other tabs in the Properties dialog box:

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