MicroStrategy ONE

Adding images to documents

You can insert an image such as a logo into a document. To display correctly in PDF View, the image type must be in a .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif format. The image must be available to both:

  • Intelligence Server

  • All users who design the document, so they can view the image while designing the document

You can use dynamic or static images. A dynamic image uses an attribute or metric to select which image to use. For instructions to create a dynamic image using either an attribute or a metric, see Using dynamic images in documents.

Ensuring access to the images

To ensure access, you can use any of the following in the Image Source property:

  • An HTTP reference to a central Web server machine, such as http://microstrategy/Test/myimage.jpg. The Intelligence Server and MicroStrategy Developer must both be able to access the machine.

    Use this type of reference for documents that will be viewed in Flash Mode; images that use a non-HTTP-based path are not displayed in Flash Mode. For descriptions of the different MicroStrategy Web modes, and how to access a document in MicroStrategy Web, see Viewing and interacting with documents in MicroStrategy Web.

    Avoid using spaces in the URL. On UNIX machines, images with spaces in their URLs cannot display in PDFs. You can remove the space from the image name or replace the space with %20.

  • A full path to the image on a shared network drive, such as \\my_computer\shared\myimage.jpg. All users, Intelligence Server, MicroStrategy Developer, and the MicroStrategy Web server must be able to access the drive.

  • A partial path, such as Images\myimage.jpg. A partial path is relative to the working directory of the user or application, so that a full absolute path does not need to be provided. The image must be copied in all of the following folders:

  • Desktop (for a document in MicroStrategy Developer)

  • Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp (for a document exported to Excel 2020 from MicroStrategy Developer or a document in MicroStrategy Office)

    To export a document to Excel, embed images (see Displaying images in Excel, for instructions and more details) to ensure that the images are displayed correctly in Excel.

  • Intelligence Server (for a document exported to PDF from MicroStrategy Web)

  • Web ASPx\asp (for documents in MicroStrategy Web) or jsp (for documents in MicroStrategy Web Universal)

    The Web directory is the physical location where the MicroStrategy Web product is installed (for MicroStrategy Web) or where it is deployed (for MicroStrategy Web Universal).

For example, if the image is on a MicroStrategy Web server machine, you can specify the URL (that is, an HTTP reference) for the file as long as the Intelligence Server and users who design the documents can access that location. Once the location is established and the image file that you want to insert is available in that location, you can insert the image into a document.

You should be able to find the path and file name of images to use by viewing the source of a Web page.

The advantages of using partial or relative paths are:

  • MicroStrategy Developer, Intelligence Server, and Web Server do not have to be able to access the same shared file location.

  • The path of the image is not part of the document definition. If the path changes, you do not have to manually change the image path in the document.

The advantage of using absolute paths (an HTTP or full path) is:

  • The images do not need to be duplicated onto each machine, as described above.

Image types for PDF View

Use any of the following image types to ensure that the images display correctly in PDF View:

  • bmp

  • jpg

  • jpeg

  • gif


Before you can add an image to a document:

  • The image file must be saved in the correct image type.

  • The image file must be stored so that it is available to both the Intelligence Server and to the designers of the document.

Details of both these requirements are provided above.

To add an image

  1. Open a document in the Document Editor. How?

  2. Expand the document section where you want the image by clicking the plus sign next to the section name.

  3. Select Image from the Insert menu, or click the Image icon in the toolbar. When you move the cursor to the Layout area, the pointer becomes crosshairs.

  4. Click in the desired section of the Layout area. If you click and drag in the section, you can size the image. The Image Source dialog box opens.

  5. Navigate to and select the file to be displayed and click Open. The image appears in the document.

    To use a dynamic image, you must type in the directory path and file name. For information, see Using dynamic images in documents.

  6. To allow users to click the image and open a Web page, define the image as a link. How?

  7. You can change the formatting, such as borders, of the image. How?

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