MicroStrategy ONE

Report Details Properties dialog box: Filter Details - Other tab

The Report Details - Other tab of the Report Details Properties dialog box contains configuration options for the Filter Details auto text code, which displays information about filters on the report. This tab allows you to configure how logical operators and other components of different qualification types are displayed.

For detailed descriptions of the options, click one of the following:

By default, each setting on this tab inherits the document or report setting, as described in Configuring auto text codes. If you are configuring the auto text codes in a specific text field, the setting is inherited from the document setting. If you are configuring all the auto text codes in the document, the setting is inherited from the report setting. You can return to this default by selecting Inherit from the drop-down list for the specific setting.

In List Conditions

A filter can contain an attribute element list qualification, which qualifies on a list of attribute elements. For these filters, you can configure how the lists are displayed using the following properties:

  • Show attribute name for In List conditions: Determines whether or not the name of the attribute in the filter's attribute element list is displayed. Select from the following options:

    • Yes to display the attribute name

    • No to omit the attribute name

    • Repeated to repeat the attribute name for each attribute element (Region = Northeast, Region = Mid-Atlantic)

  • Separator after attribute name: Specifies the characters that separate the attribute name from the attribute element, typically an equals sign or colon (= or :). To specify a separator, you must clear the Inherit check box before you can type in the Separator after attribute name field.

  • New line after attribute name: Determines whether or not the attribute name and its element display on separate lines.

  • Separator between last two elements: Specifies the text that separates the last two attribute elements in the list. The options are:

    • or

    • and

    • comma (the character is used, not the text)

    • custom (in the Custom separator field, type the characters to use as the separator)

      If you select custom, type a space following the characters in the Custom separator field, otherwise the last element is positioned immediately after the separator (andLast Element instead of and Last Element).

  • New line between elements: Determines whether or not each attribute element displays on a separate line. The options are:

    • Yes to display each element on a separate line

    • No to wrap the list within the text field containing the auto text code

  • Trim elements: Determines whether extra spaces in the attribute elements are deleted. For example, an account attribute has "PSI2415 : 10 :COMMERCIAL" as an element. If Trim Elements is enabled, the attribute is displayed as "PSI2415 :10:COMMERCIAL".

Qualification Conditions

A filter can contain:

For these types of filters, you can configure how the qualifications are displayed using the following properties:

  • Use names or symbols for operators: Determines whether Names (such as Equals or Greater Than) or Symbols (such as = or >) are displayed.

  • Include attribute form names in qualification conditions: For conditions in attribute qualification filters, determines whether or not to display attribute form names (such as DESC or ID).

  • Dynamic dates: Determines whether dynamic dates are shown as the date or as the expression that calculates the date.

Logical Operators

Filters can have multiple qualifications, which are the conditions (such as Revenue > 6,000,000) that the data must meet to be included in a report. A dataset report can also contain multiple filters in its report filter. For example, the report filter of a dataset report contains two filters, East Coast Regions and Revenue > $6M. The filters are joined by a logical operator, which is AND in this case.

Use the following properties to configure how to display the logical operators that join multiple conditions:

  • New line between conditions: Determines whether or not each condition is placed on a separate line. You can also select Automatic, which inserts a line only when conditions are joined by different logical operators. For a more detailed explanation of the Automatic option, including an example, see Configuring how logical operators are displayed.

  • Parentheses around conditions: Determines whether or not parentheses are placed around each condition, such as (Region = Northeast). If a new line is inserted between conditions, you can often omit the parentheses since the different conditions are already differentiated from each other. You can also select Automatic, which displays parentheses only when they resolve ambiguity in the expression. Parentheses are not included around conditions that are joined by the same logical operator. When conditions are joined by different operators, the parentheses are necessary to ensure that the conditions are grouped correctly. For a more detailed explanation of the Automatic option, including an example, see Configuring how logical operators are displayed.

  • Logical operator between conditions: Specifies whether or not to display the logical operator between conditions. The options are:

    • Yes to display all operators

    • No to omit all operators

    • AND only to display only the AND operator

    • OR only to display only the OR operator

For an example, see Configuring how logical operators are displayed.

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