MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring how attribute element list qualifications are displayed

Before you begin

This topic assumes that you are familiar with filters, especially the different types of filters and the components of filters. For background information, see Filters.

Auto text codes are document or dataset variable information. The filter details auto text code displays the report filter and report limit of the specified dataset report by default, although other types of filters can be displayed. For more information on displaying other types, see Configuring the content of the filter details auto text code.

A filter can contain an attribute element list qualification, which qualifies on a list of attribute elements. For example, you can use an attribute element list qualification on the attribute Customer, in a report, to return data only for those customers that you specify in your list. For more information on attribute element list qualifications, see Attribute qualifications.

For these filters, you can configure how the lists are displayed using the following settings:

  • Show attribute name for In List conditions: Determines whether or not the name of the attribute in the filter's attribute element list is displayed. The name can also be repeated for each attribute element, for example, Region = Northeast, Region = Mid-Atlantic, where Region is the attribute name.

  • Separator after attribute name: Specifies the characters that separate the attribute name from the attribute element, typically an equals sign or colon (= :). To specify a separator, you must clear the Inherit check box before you can type in the Separator after attribute name field.

  • New line after attribute name: Determines whether or not the attribute name and its element display on separate lines.

  • Separator between last two elements: Specifies the text that separates the last two attribute elements in the list. The choices are:

    • or

    • and

    • comma (the character is used, not the text)

    • custom (in the Custom separator field, type the characters to use as the separator)

      If you select custom, type a space following the characters in the Custom separator field, otherwise the last element is positioned immediately after the separator (andLast Element instead of and Last Element).

  • New line between elements: Determines whether or not each attribute element displays on a separate line. If each element is not displayed on a separate line, the attribute list wraps within the text field containing the auto text code.

  • Trim elements: Specifies whether extra spaces in the attribute elements are deleted. For example, an account attribute has "PSI2415 : 10 :COMMERCIAL" as an element. If Trim Elements is enabled, the attribute is displayed as "PSI2415:10:COMMERCIAL".

For each property, you can choose to inherit the setting instead. If you are configuring the auto text codes in a specific text field, the setting is inherited from the document setting. If you are configuring all the auto text codes in the document, the setting is inherited from the report setting. For more information on the levels of inheritance, see Levels of auto text code configuration.

In the sample filter details auto text code below, the following settings were applied:

  • Show attribute name for In List conditions = Yes

  • New line after attribute name = Yes

  • Separator between last two elements = custom

  • Custom separator = , and (note that a space is included after the word "and")

  • New line between elements = No

(East Coast):
Region =
Northeast, Mid-Atlantic,
and Southeast


In the sample filter details auto text code below, the following settings were applied:

  • Show attribute name for In List conditions = Yes

  • New line after attribute name = No (the attribute list wraps within the text field; each attribute element does not display on its own line)

  • Separator between last two elements = custom

  • Custom separator = , and (note that a space is included after the word "and")

  • New line between elements = No

(East Coast):
Region = Northeast, Region =
Mid-Atlantic, and Region =

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