MicroStrategy ONE

Report Details Properties dialog box: General tab

The General tab of the Report Details Properties dialog box contains configuration options for the prompt, report, and filter details auto text codes. The dialog box contains the following sections:

By default, each setting on this tab inherits the document or report setting, as described in Configuring auto text codes. If you are configuring the auto text codes in a specific text field, the setting is inherited from the document setting. If you are configuring all the auto text codes in the document, the setting is inherited from the report setting. You can return to this default by selecting Inherit from the drop-down list for the specific setting.

Report Details

This auto text code displays the complete report details, including report description, prompt details, filter details, and template details, but you can choose whether to include or omit any of these parts.

Select whether to include, omit, or use the inherited setting of the:

  • Report Description (the short description of the report)

  • Prompt Details (the prompts on the report)

  • Filter Details (the report filter, view filter, and report limits)

  • Template Details (the objects on the report and the metric definitions)

Prompt Details

This auto text code displays the prompt information for all prompts in the document. The settings for prompt details include:


  • Include Prompt Titles: The prompt title is defined when the prompt is created and the index is a number indicating the order of the prompts in the dataset reports. To display them, select Title and Index. To omit them, select No Title or Index.

  • Replacement String for Unanswered Prompts: You can specify the text to display when a prompt is unanswered. The options are:

  • Display nothing

  • Display "Prompt Not Answered"

  • Display "No Selection"

  • Display "All/None"

    Whether the word "All" or "None" displays depends on the type of prompt. For example, an unanswered object prompt displays as "None", because no objects are selected. An unanswered filter definition prompt displays as "All" because the report is not filtered and therefore all the objects appear on the report.

  • Show Attribute Name for Attribute Element Prompts: You can specify whether and how to display the attribute name for attribute element list prompts in the document. The options are:

  • Yes to show the attribute names.

  • No to omit the attribute names.

  • Repeated to repeat the attribute name for each prompt answer.

  • Include Unused Prompts: You can specify whether to include unused prompts. An unused prompt occurs when you drill on a Grid/Graph that contains a prompt. The resulting child report, which you can use as a dataset report, can display or omit the prompt details from the parent.


  • Use delimiters around report object names: You can specify whether delimiters are used in all auto text codes that display report objects, such as attributes and metrics. Delimiters are the characters around these objects, which set them off from other text. Braces (that is, {}) are used as delimiters. This property is used in the template details, prompt details, and filter details auto text codes. The options are:

  • No to omit delimiters for all report objects.

  • Yes to display delimiters for all report objects.

  • Automatic to display delimiters only for those report objects that contain a special character. Special characters are characters other than a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9, #, _, and . (period).

  • Use aliases in Filter Details: Since an alias does not change the name of the object, only the name displayed on the report, filters use the name of the object, not the alias. You can determine whether to display aliases or object names in filter details auto text codes.

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