MicroStrategy ONE

About attribute qualifications

You use attribute qualifications to specify the condition that the attribute elements must satisfy to be included in the report results. For example, you can create a qualification on the attribute Month so that the result set returns only months beginning with the letter J (the months are the elements of the Month attribute).

You can create the following types of attribute qualifications:

  • Attribute element list qualification allows you to qualify on a list of attribute elements. For example, you can use an attribute element list qualification on the attribute Customer, in a report, to return data only for those customers that you specify in your list. For a more detailed example, see Filtering data based on business attribute elements: Attribute element list qualification.

  • Attribute form qualification allows you to qualify on an attribute form. For example, you can use an attribute form qualification for the form Customer Last Name, to return data only for those customers whose last names start with the letter H. For a more detailed example, see Filtering data based on business attribute forms.

  • Dynamic dates are fixed offsets of the current date. For more information, see Dynamic dates in attribute qualifications.

  • Imported filter elements allows you to import lists of data from existing files into the filter definition. You can import filter elements into the Filter Editor from sources other than MicroStrategy, if you choose the attribute qualifying operator as In list or Not in list. To import elements into a filter, the elements should be stored in an Excel file or a text file. For more information about how the files must be set up, see Attribute qualification: Import/export rules.

  • Attribute-to-attribute qualification allows you to create reports that compare two attributes through attribute forms. For example, you can create a report that displays the orders that were shipped within a week of their order date, by comparing Order date with the Shipped date. For a more detailed example, see Filtering data by comparing attributes through attribute forms.

You can also dynamically modify the contents of a report at run time by creating a Prompted attribute qualification.

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