MicroStrategy ONE

Renaming Panels

The panel stack is the holder for a group of panels. You must add a panel stack before you can insert more panels (a new panel stack already contains one panel). The panels contain the controls (Grid/Graphs, text fields, and so on) that actually display the data, such as metrics and graphs, that a user sees. For a more detailed description of panels and panel stacks, see Layering data in interactive documents: Panels and panel stacks. Before renaming panels, you should be familiar with the different parts of a panel stack. See Defining the parts of a panel stack for detailed descriptions.

Users switch between panels using the arrows on the title bar or a selector. Panels are identified by name in the selector. If the title bar of the panel stack is displayed, the panel name can be displayed there.

The document must contain a panel stack. See Adding panel stacks to documents for directions.

To Rename a Panel in Developer

  1. In Developer, open the document in the Document Editor. (How?)
  2. Right-click the panel stack containing the panel to rename, point to Panels, and then select Manage. The Panels tab of the Properties dialog box opens.
  3. In the panel list, select the panel to rename.
  4. Click Rename.
  5. Type the new name in the panel list, and then press Enter.
  6. Click OK to return to the document.

To Rename a Panel in MicorStrategy Web

  1. In MicroStrategy Web, select the panel stack and pass your cursor under its title bar. A toolbar of icons is displayed.
  2. If the panel that you want to rename is not displayed, click Previous Panel or Next Panel .
  3. Click the Rename Panel . The Rename Panel dialog box is displayed.
  4. Enter the new name for the panel in the Name field.
  5. Click OK. The new name is displayed in the title bar of the panel.