Strategy ONE

Customize Version Checks in iOS

There are two ways to customize version checks on an iOS device. One requires you to recompile the application, while the other does not. Both require configuration changes.

  • Disabling the version compatibility check

    This customization completely disables the version check. You must change a setting in the MicroStrategy customizations property file and recompile the application. 

  • Setting the minimum acceptable version

    This customization lets you modify the minimum version that is acceptable on the mobile device. This lets you lower the version requirements in situations where the mobile application is not using features that require newer iOS versions. You must change a preference in the sys_defaults.xml file, but you do not have to recompile the application.  

Steps to perform each customization are provided below: 

  • Disabling the version compatibility check

    When the MicroStrategy Mobile application opens, iOS checks the version on the mobile device to confirm that it is compatible with the version on the mobile server. If the versions are not compatible, an error message is displayed.

    To turn off default version compatibility checking, disable the warning from within the application configuration as described below: 

    1. Set up the environment to use the MicroStrategy Mobile project.

      Set up the environment so that you can use the MicroStrategy Mobile project as the base for your customizations. 

    2. Open the MicroStrategy Mobile project and add the MicroStrategy customizations property file if it does not yet exist. 
      1. Open MicroStrategyMobile.xcodeproj
      2. In Xcode, right-click the Custom folder under MicroStrategyMobile and click Add files to "MicroStrategyMobile". 
      3. On the dialog for setting properties that pops up, do the following: 
        1. Navigate to MSTRCustomization.plist and select it. 
        2. For Add to targets, make sure that both check boxes are selected—MicroStrategyMobileiPhone and MicroStrategyMobileiPad—if you intend to disable the version compatibility check on both devices. 
        3. Click Add.
    3. Add the new property to turn off version compatibility checking.

      Under MSTRCustomization.plist:

      1. Add a new HideCompatibilityWarning property. 
      2. Set the value of this property to "TRUE" or "YES".
  • Setting the minimum acceptable version

    When the MicroStrategy Mobile application opens, it checks the major, minor, revision1, and revision2 versions in sequence between the mobile server and the mobile client. If the version number for any of these is smaller on the mobile client than it is on the mobile server, an error message is displayed on the user's device, indicating that the mobile client needs to be updated.

    The sys_defaults.xml file contains the acceptable versions, and other default preferences that are in place when users connect to the mobile server through the mobile client connection. In a Windows environment, sys_defaults.xml is located under WEB-INF/xml in the mobile server installation directory; in a Linux environment, it is located under WEB-INF/xml in the directory where the .war file was expanded for the Mobile server components.

    To set the minimum version that a mobile server should accept without showing a warning, modify sys_defaults.xml as described below: 

    1. Open the sys_defaults.xml file for the mobile server. 
    2. Find the parameter that specifies the minimum acceptable iOS version: :

      <pr des="" n="iOSClientMinCompatibleVersion" scp="system" v=""/> 

    3. Modify the value of the iOSClientMinCompatibleVersion parameter to define the minimal compatible version for your application, by changing the value shown in bold above. 
    4. Save your changes. 
    5. Restart your mobile server.