Strategy ONE

Customize and Internationalize Strings for iOS

The values for the strings used in the MicroStrategy Mobile application are provided in IphoneStrings.strings files. The IphoneStrings.strings files for each language are stored in a separate folder. You customize the values for strings by creating one or more custom IphoneStrings.strings files with new string values and storing them in a specific location..

To customize the strings used in the application: 

  1. Open the MicroStrategyMobile project in Xcode. 
  2. Create a folder for the custom strings file. 
    1. If it does not exist, create the following folder structure under MicroStrategy Mobile: Custom -> FinalBundle.bundle -> Contents -> Resources. 
    2. Under Resources, create a folder for the language you want to customize. For example, if you want to customize English strings, create a folder called en.lproj. This is where you will place your custom strings file. 
  3. Make a copy of the strings file you want to customize. 
    1. Navigate to Resources -> FinalBundle.bundle -> Contents -> Resources. The Resources folder contains many image files, as well as folders for various languages. 
    2. Scroll down to the folder for the language you want to customize—for example, scroll down to en.lproj for English customizations. 
    3. Open the language folder and copy IPhoneStrings.strings. This is the strings file that you want to customize. 
  4. Customize and save the copied strings file. 
    1. Navigate to Custom -> FinalBundle.bundle -> Contents -> Resourcesand open the folder for the language you are customizing. 
    2. Paste IPhoneStrings.strings under the same language folder you copied it from—for example, paste it under en.lproj for English customizations. 
    3. Open IPhoneStrings.strings, search for the strings that you want to modify, and make the desired changes. 
    4. Save your changes.

To customize strings in other languages, follow the same steps but copy from and paste to different language folders. For example, use the de.lproj folder for customizing German strings or the es.lproj folder for customizing Spanish strings.