Strategy ONE

Customize Using MicroStrategy Customizations Properties File for iOS

The MicroStrategy customizations properties file, MSTRCustomizations.plist, provides key/value pairs that let you customize values related to prompt management, the navigation bar, and other MicroStrategy functionality. MSTRCustomizations.plist is not included in the out-of-the-box MicroStrategyMobile Xcode project. to view steps to add it manually.

Some of the customizations that can be performed using MSTRCustomizations.plist include:

  • Remove the option to "Send to report lists when ready"

    To remove the option to send a report to the reports list when it is executed, use the DeferredExecutionEnabled property. 

  • Set image size and resolution at the document level when using Photo Uploader on an iPad

    The quality and size of the photo, together with the color depth, determine the size of the image file that is uploaded. The better the picture quality, the higher the resolution and the less loss of detail in the photo. Use the PhotoUploaderDefaultSize and PhotoUploaderDefaultQuality properties to set the image size and resolution. 

  • Turn on the swiping gesture for changing layouts on an iOS device.

    In previous versions, the swiping gesture changed layouts on an iOS device. In 9.4.1 iOS Update 3, you tap the desired layout on a new layout bar within the documentation navigation bar to change layouts. The new layout bar allows you to see the structure of the layout design, gives you flexibility to choose a layout that is not adjacent to the current one, and avoids gesture conflicts such as swiping to switch panels. If you prefer to use the old behavior, use the SwipeToChangeLayouts property to turn the swiping gesture for changing layouts back on. 

  • Write the log file to the console and specify the level of logging to be displayed

    To help with troubleshooting during development, you can have the log file written to the Xcode console and specify the level of logging to be displayed. This feature is intended only for troubleshooting during application development and not during production because of the impact on performance. Use the DebugLogLevel property to turn on console logging.

  • Customizing configuration workflow

    When the MicroStrategy Mobile app is updated on a mobile device, the values of three MicroStrategy properties, together with the configuration ID and counter of both the existing device preferences and the new bundled preferences, determine whether new bundled preferences are copied to the writeable file in the document store, or the existing device preferences remain in the document store. To customize the configuration workflow, you set the values of UsesBundledPrefrences, OverrideExistingPreferences, and UpdateExistingPreferences in the mstrcustomizations.plist file. Customizing configuration workflow provides a detailed explanation of how to set these properties to achieve the custom workflow you want.

To customize a property: 

  1. Open MicroStrategyMobile.xcodeproj.
  2. In Xcode, navigate toMicroStrategyMobile -> Custom ->MSTRCustomization.plist. 
  3. Select the appropriate property and modify its value.