Strategy ONE

Bundle Images Into the Image Cache for iOS

You can bundle images with your MicroStrategy Mobile application during compilation. This can save time and improve the user experience when network connections are slow.

To bundle images into the image cache: 

  1. Open the MicroStrategyMobile project in Xcode. 

  2. Navigate to MicroStrategyMobile -> Resource. 

  3. Right-click Resources and choose Add Files to "MicroStrategyMobile". 

  4. In Finder, navigate to MicroStrategy Mobile -> Resources -> ImageCache.bundle and click Add.

  5. Navigate to MicroStrategyMobile -> SDKResources and expand ImageCache.bundle. It has the following structure:  


You can delete any PNG files that you don't need, but you must keep the existing structure. 

  1. Rename the image files that you want bundled in the application during compilation and save them in the httpImages folder.

    The names of the image files must correspond to their fully-qualified path names, with : (colon) and / (forward slash) replaced by _ (underscore). For example, the image file mylogo.png, accessible at  http://mymobileserver/MicroStrategyMobile/images/mylogo.png, would be renamed http___mymobileserver_MicroStrategyMobile_images_mylogo.png.