MicroStrategy ONE

Format Objects dialog box: Background tab

Before you begin

When accessed from the Conditional Formatting dialog box, this dialog box is named Formatting rather than Format Objects.

The background settings define how to fill the background of the selected object. Background is applied to the title bars and containers of Grid/Graphs, panel stacks and selectors; and to text fields and rectangles.

The background properties apply only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame. For examples, see Formatting HTML containers.

Selection color

The Selection color is available for:

  • Grid/Graph containers

  • Drop-down, Listbox, and Link bar selectors

For selectors, you can choose the background color for items selected in the selector. Drop-down, Listbox, and Link Bar selectors use the selection color in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. In all other MicroStrategy Web modes, only Link Bar selectors use the selection color. (For details on the different types of selectors, see Defining selectors; for an example of the selection color on a selector, see Formatting the backgrounds of selectors.)

For Grid/Graph containers, you can choose the background color for cells that are selected in a Grid/Graph used as a selector. The selection color applies only in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. (For an example of the selection color on a Grid/Graph, see Formatting the backgrounds of Grid/Graphs.)

If you want the color to be automatically set to contrast with the background of the selector or Grid/Graph, choose Automatic from the Selection color drop-down list.

Background style

The Background style determines whether the background of the object is a solid color, uses gradient colors (a two-color combination), or is transparent to allow what is behind the object to show. The remaining options on this tab change depending on the Background style setting.

  • To use a single color as the background:

  • Set the Background style to Solid.

  • Use the Fill color drop-down list to select the background color of the object.

  • To use a gradient color, which blends two colors in a gradual color change in the background:

  • Set the Background style to Gradient.

  • Use the Color 1 drop-down list to select the first color to apply to the object.

  • Use the Color 2 drop-down list to select the second color to apply. Color 1 and Color 2 are blended together.

  • Click one of the squares to set the direction of the shading between the two colors. The colors can blend left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, horizontally centered, or vertically centered.

    If you select horizontally centered or vertically centered, you are creating a three-way or mirror gradient, which blends the colors from the middle of the control out to the edges. Three-way gradients are rendered only in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web; in other MicroStrategy Web modes and in MicroStrategy Developer, they are rendered as non-mirrored gradients. For more information, see Applying three-way (mirror) gradients to controls.

    As you make changes, the Sample area changes to show a preview of your selections.

  • To allow what is behind the object to show through, set the Background style to Transparent.

Accessing the Background tab

The Background tab is available for the following:

  • Grid/Graph title bars and containers

  • Panel stack title bars and containers

  • Rectangles

  • Selector title bars and containers

  • Text fields

To access it for a control

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor.

  2. Select the control to format.

  3. Do one of the following to open the Format Objects dialog box:

    • Right-click the control and select Format.

    • From the Format menu, select Format.

  4. For a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector, click Container or Title in the object list on the left side of the Format Objects dialog box. The container is the object that holds the actual Grid/Graph or panel stack, or the selector items for a selector. The title bar is the area at the top of a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector that identifies the control.

  5. Click the Background tab.

To access it for conditional formatting

  1. Add a new conditional format or select an existing one in the Conditional Formatting dialog box.

  2. Click Formatting. The Formatting dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Background tab.

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