MicroStrategy ONE

Format Objects dialog box: Border tab

Before you begin

When accessed from the Conditional Formatting dialog box, this dialog box is named Formatting rather than Format Objects.

The border settings define how the borders are displayed for the selected object. Borders are applied to the title bars and containers of Grid/Graphs, panel stacks, and selectors; and to HTML containers, images, and text fields. For example, the object could be the container of a Grid/Graph or panel stack. You cannot add borders to an individual panel; the border settings for a panel stack apply to all the panels in a panel stack.

Setting drop shadows or 3D borders on the Effects tab takes precedence over these Border settings.

Border tab options

To remove the entire border, click None in the Presets area. You do not have to select a Line Style, Line Color, and so on.

You can format the line to use as the border in the Line area. Your options are:

  • Style: The style of line to use as the border. Your choices are No Line, Dashed, Dotted, Hair, Thin, Double, and Thick.

    The Hair line style cannot be displayed in documents viewed in MicroStrategy Web.

  • Color: The color to use for the border.

Use the Presets area to select which borders to apply the Style and Color to.

  • The Outline button applies the formatting to the entire border.

  • The Top Border button applies the formatting only to the top of the control.

  • The Bottom Border button applies the formatting only to the bottom of the control.

  • The Left Border button applies the formatting only to the left side of the control.

  • The Right Border button applies the formatting only to the right side of the control.

You can select multiple border buttons to apply the formatting to different borders, such as top and bottom.

A preview of your selections is displayed in the Border area.

Accessing the Border tab

The Border tab is available for the following:

  • Grid/Graph title bars and containers

  • Images

  • Panel stack title bars and containers

  • Selector title bars and containers

  • Text fields

To access it for a control

  1. Open the document in the Document Editor.

  2. Select the control to format.

  3. Do one of the following to open the Format Objects dialog box:

    • Right-click the control and select Format.

    • From the Format menu, select Format.

  4. For a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector, click Container or Title in the object list on the left side of the Format Objects dialog box. The container is the object that holds the actual Grid/Graph or panel stack, or the selector items of a selector. The title bar is the area at the top of a Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector that identifies the control.

  5. Click the Border tab.

To access it for conditional formatting

  1. Add a new conditional format or select an existing one in the Conditional Formatting dialog box.

  2. Click Formatting. The Formatting dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Border tab.

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