MicroStrategy ONE

Useful formatting suggestions for selectors

Some of the formatting options for selectors include:

  • Make the selector container appear three-dimensional, like a button, with the 3D effect. For detailed instructions, see Applying 3D effects.

  • Let the content behind the selector show through by setting the backstyle to transparent. You can also allow a fill color to cover what is behind the selector by setting the backstyle to opaque. For detailed instructions, see Applying transparent or opaque backstyles.

  • "Float" the selector above the background by using a drop shadow. For detailed instructions, see Applying drop shadows.

  • Create a gradual color change by blending two colors using gradient colors on the selector. For detailed instructions, see Applying gradient colors.

  • Display pop-up text when a user positions the cursor over the control in MicroStrategy Web with a tooltip. The tooltip can provide extra information, such as an expanded description of the control. For detailed instructions, see Creating pop-up tooltips.

  • Display a selector to other document designers in Design View while hiding it from users viewing the document in all other views and modes. For instance, you could prevent a user from changing panels in a panel stack by hiding the panel stack's selector. For detailed instructions, see Hiding controls.

  • Control the sizing behavior of the selector items with the Make all items the same width property, which can be set to proportional (the default) or fixed (same width for all items). The items are the buttons or check boxes, for example, of the selector. For detailed instructions, see Specifying proportional or fixed width for selector items.

  • Format the font of the text for the items in the selector, including style, size, and color. For detailed instructions, see Formatting the text of selector items.

Formatting Fish Eye selectors

The formatting options listed above apply to all selector types, but they apply to a Fish Eye selector only when it is displayed in non-Flash modes. In non-Flash modes, a Fish Eye selector is displayed according to its DHTML style. For information on creating a Fish Eye selector, see Creating Fish Eye Selectors; for information on formatting a Fish Eye selector for display in Flash Mode, see Formatting Fish Eye selectors for Flash Mode.