MicroStrategy ONE

Specifying proportional or fixed width for selector items

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the various properties that define how a selector looks and what it controls, such as target and source. See Defining selectors for descriptions.

You can control the sizing behavior of the selector items with the Make all items the same width property. The items are the buttons or check boxes, for example, of a selector.

By default, items are sized proportionally, which means that the width of each item is proportional to the length of the text inside the item. This allows the complete text of each item to be displayed, with little wasted space. To use the same width for all the items, specify a fixed item size.


These procedures assume you have added a selector to the document. For instructions, see Inserting selectors into documents.

To specify proportional width for selector items

  1. Open a document in Design view using the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Select the selector to modify.

  3. In the Property List: Size section, set Make all items the same width to False.

    If the Property List pane is not displayed, click Property List at the bottom of the panel on the left. If the panel is not displayed at all, select Property List from the View menu.

To specify selector item width as fixed

  1. Open a document in Design view using the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Select the selector to modify.

  3. In the Property List: Size section, set Make all items the same width to True.

    If the Property List pane is not displayed, click Property List at the bottom of the panel on the left. If the panel is not displayed at all, select Property List from the View menu.