MicroStrategy ONE

Improving document performance in MicroStrategy Web: Incremental fetch on Grid/Graphs

Incremental fetch divides large Grid/Graphs into pages, thereby loading the data in batches (or blocks) rather than all at the same time. This improves the usability and performance of a large Grid/Graph, by reducing the load and overall memory usage on the web server. Only a Grid/Graph displayed as a grid can be split into rows and therefore incrementally fetched. This includes the grid portion of a Grid/Graph displayed as both a grid and a graph simultaneously.

: This property applies only to the rows, not the columns, of the Grid/Graph.

You can define the incremental fetch options for Grid/Graphs in either MicroStrategy Web or in MicroStrategy Developer, but incremental fetch is applied when the document is executed in Editable Mode, Interactive Mode, or Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web. MicroStrategy Developer does not apply incremental fetch to Grid/Graphs.

The blocks of data are defined by the number of rows to return at a time. For example, a Grid/Graph on a document contains 1000 rows. Incremental fetch is applied, with the number of rows per page set to 50. In MicroStrategy Web, only 50 rows are displayed on a single page of the Grid/Graph. Users can navigate to another page to display more information.

You can also apply incremental fetch to the entire document. For more information, see Improving document performance in MicroStrategy Web: Incremental fetch.

Incremental fetch in repeating document sections

Whether the group and detail sections repeat in a document affects how incremental fetch is applied to Grid/Graphs in that section, as described below:

  • If all the elements of a grouping field are displayed simultaneously, the Group Header, Group Footer, Detail Header, and Detail Footer sections repeat, once for each element in the group. Only the first page of data from the Grid/Graph is displayed. Users cannot navigate to another page.

  • If only one element is displayed at a time, these sections appear only once. A Grid/Graph placed in one of these document sections does not repeat, and users can navigate to other pages.

  • If the document is not grouped, the Detail Header and Detail Footer sections appear only one time. A Grid/Graph placed in one of these document sections does not repeat, and users can navigate to other pages. If the document is not grouped, the Group Header and Group Footer are not displayed.

  • Although the Detail section repeats, a Grid/Graph cannot be placed in it, so the Grid/Graph incremental fetch setting does not apply.

For background information on document sections, see Document sections overview. For instructions to group the document, see Grouping records in a document. For instructions on displaying individual grouping elements or all the elements, see Using page-by on a document (page-by interactively displays groups on separate pages).

To apply incremental fetch to a Grid/Graph

  1. Open a document in the Document Editor. How?

  2. Right-click the Grid/Graph to apply incremental fetch to, and select Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Click theAdvancedtab.

  4. Select the Enable incremental fetch on grid check box.

  5. Enter the Maximum number of rows per page.

  6. Click OK to return to the document.

To see the results of the incremental fetch, run the document in MicroStrategy Web in Editable Mode, Interactive Mode, or Express Mode.

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