MicroStrategy ONE
Find and Replace: Autostyles
Find and replace autostyles allows you to apply an autostyle to a selected set of reports and templates, easily creating a standard format for the selected objects.
Replacing autostyles invalidates the report caches. A new cache is created when the report is run for the first time after the replacement.
To find and replace autostyles
Select Find and Replace from the Tools menu of MicroStrategy Developer. The Find and Replace dialog box opens.
You must be logged in to a project before you access the Find and Replace dialog box.
Select AutoStyles in the list box in the Select area.
In the Find area, select how to find the reports and templates to be updated. For instructions, see Find and Replace: Find.
In the Replace With area, select the autostyle to apply to the selected reports and templates, using one of these methods:
If the autostyle is located in the Autostyles folder, use the drop-down list to select it.
Otherwise, click Browse to locate the autostyle.
If you use Browse to select an autostyle that is not in the Autostyles or My Objects folders, the autostyle name is displayed as Custom in the report, although the correct autostyle is applied.
Review the list of reports and templates in the Summary pane, ensuring that you want to replace the autostyle on all of them.
If you find any that you do not want to change, clear the check box in front of them.
When a report or template is no longer selected, it still appears in the list unless the Show only selected reports check box is selected.
To re-select an unselected report or template, select its check box.
If more than 300 reports and templates are found, use the Previous 300 and Next 300 to view them.
By default, all reports and templates selected in the find process are displayed in the Summary pane, even if they are no longer selected.
To show only the selected reports and templates, select the Show only selected reports check box.
To display those unselected reports and templates again, clear the Show only selected reportscheck box.
By default, the Select All, Clear All, and Replace processes apply to all the reports and templates selected in the find process. To apply the process only to the reports and templates displayed in the Summary pane, select Apply only to displayed objects.
This setting works only if more than 300 reports and templates are found, because 300 objects is the maximum that can be displayed in the Summary pane at one time.
To clear all reports and templates, select Clear All. If more than 300 reports and templates were found and Apply only to displayed objects is selected, only the set of 300 reports and templates that is currently displayed in the Summary pane is cleared.
The reports and templates still appear in the list unless the Show only selected reports check box is selected.
To re-select all unselected reports and templates, select Select All. If more than 300 reports and templates were found and Apply only to displayed objects is selected, only the set of 300 reports and templates currently displayed is selected.
To show the path for each report and template in the Summary pane, select the Show folder path for reportscheck box.
Before you replace the autostyle, you can specify:
The location and behavior of the log file
Whether to show a status message after the update
How to save reports containing shortcuts to stand-alone templates
For instructions to specify these options, see Find and Replace Options dialog box.
You can edit an individual report or template by right-clicking the report or template in the Summary pane and selecting Edit. The Report Editor or Template Editor opens. After you make your changes, click Save and Close to save the report/template and return to the Find and Replace dialog box.
Replacing autostyles invalidates the report caches. A new cache is created when the report is run for the first time after the replacement.
After you have reviewed and updated the list of reports and templates, apply the autostyle to the selected reports and templates by clicking Replace.
If the Replace button is grayed out, you delayed running a search in the find step above. Click Update Summary to create the list of reports and templates to be updated.
If Apply only to displayed objectsis selected, the autostyle is applied to only the objects displayed in the Summary pane, rather than all the objects selected in the find process.
When you are done, click Close to return to MicroStrategy Developer.