MicroStrategy ONE
Find and Replace: Find
Find and replace allows you to find a set of objects and replace any of the following in them:
Specific report data options, such as the display of null values
Graph preferences, such as line resizing and scrolling behavior
Metric formatting options, such as text alignment and padding
Graph fonts and character sets of graph tiles and labels
An object in all the objects that depend on it (for example, replace a filter in all reports, templates, and metrics that use the filter)
The set of objects can be:
Reports and templates (for autostyle, report data options, graph font, and export options replacement)
Reports (for graph preferences replacement)
Metrics and subtotals (for metric formatting replacement)
Any objects (for object dependency replacement)
The different methods of finding the objects to update are described in the following procedure.
To choose a find method
In MicroStrategy Developer, if the Find and Replace dialog box is not already open, select Find and Replace from the Tools menu. The Find and Replace dialog box opens.
You must be logged in to a project before you access the Find and Replace dialog box.
In the Find area, select one of the following methods to find the objects:
To manually select the objects to be updated, click Choose a set. Click ...(the Browse button) to open the Select Objects dialog box, choose the objects, and click OK.
Only those objects for which you have write access are shown. If you cannot write to it, you cannot make changes to it.
To use a search, select Use the results of a search. Do one of the following:
To use an existing search, click ... (the Browse button), select a search, and click OK.
To modify the search, click Edit. The Search for Objects dialog box opens. Make your changes (see Search for Objects dialog box for instructions), then click OK to return to the Find and Replace dialog box.
To create a new search, click New. The Search for Objects dialog box opens. Create your search (see Search for Objects dialog box for instructions). Click OK to return to the Find and Replace dialog box.
To use multiple searches, select an existing search or create a new search, as described above.
Click Update Summary to run the search. The list of objects in the Summary pane is updated.
Click Clear, which removes the search from Use the results of a search box. The search results in the Summary pane are not affected.
Select another search or create a new one, as described above.
(For autostyles only) To search for reports and templates that use a specific autostyle, click Search for reports and templates that are using the selected autostyle. Select an autostyle from the drop-down list or click ... (the Browse button) to find autostyles.
To select all reports and templates, all reports, all metrics and subtotals, or all dependent objects (depending on the category chosen in the Select area), select Apply to all.
If you select a method and then select another method, the results of the first find are replaced, even if you have already clickedUpdate Summary.
Click Update Summary. The list of objects in the Summary pane is updated.