MicroStrategy ONE

Layout Properties dialog box: Mobile

The Mobile section of the Layout Properties dialog box contains the following properties, which are applied to the selected layout of a multiple layout document or to the document as a whole, if it does not contain multiple layouts.

iPhone and iPad properties

These properties apply to iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.

  • Supported Orientations: The orientation that the document layout can be displayed in. Select one of the following:

  • Portrait Only (8.5" wide by 11" high for letter-sized paper)

  • Landscape Only (11" wide by 8.5" high for letter-sized paper)

  • Portrait and Landscape

  • Display page-by bar: Whether or not the page-by bar is displayed in the document layout. When it is displayed, users can tap a button on the page-by bar on a mobile device to select a page-by element to display. If it is not displayed, users swipe left or right to page forward or back.

iPhone properties

These properties apply to iPhones only.

  • Display filter button: (Applies to iPhones, iPads, and Android devices) Whether or not the Filter button is displayed on the iPhone. The Filter button allows users to change their prompt answers.

  • Use as Info Window for the Map Widget: (Applies to iPhones only) Whether or not the document layout can be used as an Information Window in a Map widget. An Information Window, which provides additional details about a location, is displayed when a user selects a map marker in a Map widget. For an example of a Map widget, see Widgets for mobile devices. For directions to create a Map widget or an Information Window, see the MicroStrategy Mobile Analysis Help.

iPad property

This property applies to iPads only.

  • Enable gesture-based page-by navigation: Whether or not to allow two-finger swipes to page through the document. If it is enabled, iPad users can use a horizontal swipe for the first page-by field, vertical for the second, and a two-finger rotate for the third.

Related Topics

For general information on creating documents for MicroStrategy Mobile, including procedures and examples, see the MicroStrategy Mobile Analysis Help.